Medical information (medical aid etc) on the D6 App
Medical information available on the app to put responsibility in parents hands for updating medical aid details etc on a regular basis.
Messages - UNPUBLISH not just delete.
Would it be possible in MESSAGES to have the option to unpublish a message instead of deleting it completely? This would allow us, as a school, to keep a backup in case a parent claims they did not see a message. We could then show them that it was published
App icon not showing red dot or number of unread messages
Specifically on Android when a message is sent the push notifications come through but if its not selected to open the messages or if the push notification just remains there for the user to see when they drag down from their screen... the app itself
Grade and relationship added to report
When downloading the report from New Comms portal for messages sent it does not include the grade/class and the learner or parent relationship. Below shows who made the payment but does not include the learner details and which grade or class they are
Whitestone School (Notifications)
1. We are failing to edit messages that have been posted already. The only option we have is to delete the message and reconstruct and resend. So when we delete the message it sends a notification to the end user that an activity has been cancelled. Wouldn't
To be able to create a calendar event from composing a message on the app as a main administrator.
Limits on item based collections in d6 communicator
Hi We often do ticket sales through the d6 communicator and other item-based sales. Currently, there is no option when adding an item-based collection to add an item limit. This will greatly help us when doing ticket sales and other ad-hoc item sales
Change order of Contacts
Change order of Contacts because currently if you edit a contact it moves to the top and we would like to have it in the order of importance example: Principal, Deputy-Principal, Head of Departsments, Admin staff and then Grade heads and grades.
Calender on Home page
On the homepage of the d6 Connect app the calender activities appear from the last activity in the term to the most recent activity. Parents then have to scroll down to find the current activity. Is their a way that this can change. Kind regards.
Include the learner grade in the report
When downloading the message report for parent who had made payments, the report does not include the groups they are in or the groups the learners are in. This becomes a manual process to compare the report of paid users to our 3rd party database to
QR Code to represent Parents Profile on their Profile Screen which we can then use for School Access
Below is a screen shot which details what we would be looking for in D6. The QR code would have to be: Unique to the user within the D6 environment (all users for all schools) Be alphanumeric. It can contain dashes but no other special characters or symbols.
Mark topic/post as favourite
Pls add the option to mark a post or more than one post as a favourite. We sometimes need to refer to the same post more than once and it sometimes becomes frustrating trying to find the post again, on D6 connect app.
Scheduled messages
It would be a great assistance to be able to Scheduled messages to be sent for future.
Questionnaire cut off date and time
We would like to have a cut off date and time for questionnaires that we post to our community. This will help us to have more accurate information for a said period.
Filled in templates
We would like to have a saved template whereby the components information is saved with the template. This will save a lot of time and create uniformity as we are using one template weekly.
1. Editing Messages: Why we need it: Sometimes small spelling or grammar mistakes are made on a message that are only identified once the message goes out. Parents get spammed with annoying notifications and duplicate information when we have to delete
Spell check
Spell Check for Text component within the Message builder.
Moderator System user to get notified once a Contributor Drafts a message
Moderator System user, or any other system user higher than them to get notified once a Contributor Drafts a message for them to edit and publish.
Microsoft Calendar Syncing
Microsoft Outlook Calendar Syncing
Allow Youtube shorts to be uploaded in the Youtube URL component
Allow Youtube shorts to be uploaded in the Youtube URL component
I would like to see integration with Google Calendar.
Web toegang
Ons wil graag kommunikeer aan mense op hul rekenaars. Baie van ons werknemers mag nie op hul fone wees tydens werksure nie.
Delete Button on Individual Member Page
Please add a Delete Button to the Member's profile page for quick access to delete the member while viewing the profile so that you do not have to go back one step to selct the member and delete them.
Please could the 'edit' and 'delete' functions on the calendar be made accessible to administrators and possibly even moderators. It is counter-intuitive for only the main administrator to be the one able make changes to the calendar throughout the year
Dashboard for portal
It would be nice to have a dashboard on the landing screen in the portal that shows data of my community.