Prestasies Opsomming Lys
Opsie om al die prestasies in tabel formaat te sien met beskrywings ens om n oorsig van almal sin te sien (meer as net 1 per bladsy)
More export to excel options
Our teachers and admin staff require Excel exports of not only class lists but also grade lists, parent list, staff lists etc. for management of sports and other events and HR purposes. Would it be possible to add exports to Excel option for above mentioned
Lettergrootte op Promosieskedules
Goeie dag Ons is besig met die kontrolering van inligting op die promosiekedules vir gr 10 - 11 vir die WKOD. Die lettergrootte is egter so klein dat dit moeilik leesbaar is vir ons en gevolglik ook vir die promotors. Die it te veel bladsye om elke keer
Subject choices
Good day I would appreciate it if subject choices could be added to the registration form when Grade 10 to 12 is selected.
Goeiedag, Ek het ‘n versoek vanaf ons dissipline kantoor ontvang om dalk te kyk na die volgende: Ons het ‘n groot behoefte aan: Gedragskode Opsomming per graad (elke graad afsonderlik) en nie die hele skool saam nie, sodat ons die probleme in ‘n Graad
Re-Registration link
Please enable a generic platform for parents to be able to do re-registrations at the school itself online. Same as with the GDE Admissions system. Currently the link mailed is unique to each parent so this does not accommodate the option for the parent
Re-registration invites
Add the option to select only specific or all parents for the invitation to re-registration. Currently it sends and re-sends to all that have not submitted
Option to archive learner with current absentees and marks
Please enable option to archive a learner with current absentees and marks captured for that specific term
list of report comments for CONTROL purposes.
list of report comments for CONTROL purposes. We had the problem where a teacher allocate a fail comment on a learner report who got 86% for a subject. The parent is furious. The teacher comment is that she had nothing to check it against. We would like
Variables/placeholders in messages, Import varables and contacts to send to via csv/xlsx
Would be nice to be able to use placeholders in messages such as <childfirstname> <childLastname> <parentFirstname> etc when sending messages out to a batch of members. EG: <childfirstname> has to attend detention on friday. This would result in less
Display IDs / Accession numbers
We heavily use accession numbers in our school for all admin related tasks. this insures we have the correct learner and its also 5 digits vs potentially a whole name. the data is technically already in your database so please could we have it displayed
Bring back portrait Attendance Registers
Please can we bring back the option to print attendance registers on one page (portrait). At this point in time we can only print landscape and due to class numbers it prints over 2 pages.
As skoolhoof is dit baie belangrik om gereeld nie net onderwysers se vakteikens op te volg nie, maar ook elke leerder se individuele vakteikens. Hierdie vakteikens word gereeld gebruik om statestiek op te bou en ook verslae deur te gee aan die departement.
Allocated performances
Hi D6 ! Is there a possibility that we might get allocated performances in Excel format? My School > Achievements > Print (Allocated Achievements)
Staff - Management notes
Is it possible to have a tab for staff so that management can make notes on individual staff members eg: discipline / meeting feedback etc. Similar to what we have on the learner profile so that there is ease of access for management when they are dealing
Staff Absenteeism Report: Report containing all the staff absenteeism listed
Good day, The current Staff Absenteeism Report print the information per person (page for each). Is it possible to please create a report that list all the Staff that's absent, with date and reason as well as adding a comment block where we can additional
Parents visibility
Is it possible to make all parents visible under a learners' information. Many time you need to contact the step parent as the child is staying with them. Especially for fetching at school. I also wants to request some sort of icon maybe on the learners
We would like a Summary report for the Whereabouts options
Hi We like to keep track/see when certain learners are often late arriving at school and would love to be able to print a summary report as we can for absentees (REPORTS --> LEARNERS --> ABSENTEES --> Register Classes) Thank you
Teachers to inform parents about test results.
We propose implementing a feature that sends push notifications to parents. This feature will allow teachers to inform parents about their child’s test results, enhancing communication regarding their child’s performance. We suggest that staff upload
Disability Report
It can help a lot if you can change the disability report so that you can choose a specific date for the report. Reports > Learners > Disabilities.
Toegang tot Data
Is dit nie moontlik dat D6 vir ons kan wys wie laaste veranderings op leerders profiele gemaak het.
Staff, Educator & Learner Absenteeism Report Automate
Hi, I am a systems integrator and currently working with a school where I am putting in a Time & Attendance solution for Staff, Educator & Learners. We would like to automate the process of capturing the Absenteeism Report from the Time & Attendance system,
Audit trail for users
A full audit trail function for users is becoming more of a necessity. The reasons range from innocent (errors in capturing), to simply malicious (users purposely capturing information under another user's name, e.g. a teacher capturing violations and
1) Automatically send to linked email addresses button: Reason: TO SAVE TIME FOR THE DISCIPLINE OFFICER Description: The discipline letters that are generated automatically need a button that will automatically send the letters to the assigned email addresses
Learner Absentee Screen
Good Morning We find it that the absentee screen that show the entire week make sit very difficult for user to do absentees accurately - especially when doing it on a phone (which we have to use often as register does not always happen in classrooms).
Online Registration - Notes Tab
Please could a 'Notes' tab be added to the Online Registrations - the same as it appears on current learners. This will enable administrators to add notes to online registrations regarding additional information provided by parents following submission
Possible Retention Schedule
Currently, the Possible Retention Schedule can only be generated from d6 as a pdf. Is it possible to export/download it to an Excel spreadsheet, this would make it a lot easier for teachers to type in comments and track interventions made with the respective
Add Extra-Mural under Learner Remarks
My school is using Custom Remarks currently. Please can this feature be added?
Aanlyn vorms teken
Kan 'n opsie geskep word dat die ouers dokumente (soos kontrak, toestemming, vrywaring, debietordervorms) aanlyn kan teken by die aanlyn aansoek sowel as met dataverifikasie en her-registrasievorms. Dit is baie oulik dat dit nou aanlyn gestuur kan word,
ONLINE RE-Registration - Only select a few parents or deselect others
Can we please put in an option where you can select certain parents or deselect some parents out of the class selected for the online re-registration.
RE-registration forms - child photo
I would like to print the photo of the learner that we have on the system on the re-registration & data verification forms.
Merit List to include register class
Hi Would it be possible to add a column at the merit list where the learners register class is shown? When we make our top 20 list we have a need to also see in what class the learners are and also to quickly know the language of the learner. Thank
Parent Portal to show all recorded assessments and exam.
Hi, I have noticed that the parents can only view consolidated marks for the learner. My feature request is for the parent to be able to view all the assessments(Marks) that have been recorded for the learner on the system, be able to filter by year,
Next of kin under class list
“Good day, Hope you are well, i want to find out is their a way we can print out the "next of kin" in class list form/formation. This is also a crucial number that we feels should fall under class list contacts. If the school does not get hold of the
Permissions for Report Cards and Mark Viewing
Could we possibly introduce a feature that limits report generation and mark access permissions to teachers assigned to specific classes? It would greatly enhance confidentiality, particularly for teachers who have children enrolled in the school. Thank
Date of appointment at the school
Please could we add an additional date for Date of appointment at the school. We have a few teachers who starts as Governing body and then gets appointed at the GDE at a later stage. We would like the teacher’s information to reflect both appointment
Principal signature
Hello Is it possible to add/upload more signatures under the principal signature. (my school-general) For example e-signature for the primary school principal, e-signature for high school principal and/or for the director/CEO/overall principal. Currently,
Code of Conduct
Hi We have asked this before and I see some other schools have also listed the need. We have a need for a function to automatically email the detention letters (that is already generated) to parents. At the moment we have to download and save 20+ letters,
Online Application form
Good day, Please may we as school (Ladysmith High School) ask for the following changes on the application form: > System reads: PREFERRED LANGUAGE - we would like it to read - LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION > System reads: TUITION LANGUAGE - we would like it
Good day, We, Ladysmith High School use address labels on our envelopes for our learners's parents at the end of the year, and also for our GR12 Exams to stick on the desks. I urgently need a label option for this matter. The labels we are using is a
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