Staff leave (similar to 'learner leave')
We often have staff members on long leave (eg maternity leave). Is it possible to add a function for the staff, similar to Learner Leave, where leave can be entered for a long period of time?
Hostel list - Export to Excel
Please create an option to export the hostel list to Excel or to be able to print the list. Currently you can only view the list, there is no option to print or to export the list.
Capture of Staff Leave
Could you please ad a Calendar to Staff Leave page, so that the week for which absenteeism must be read in, can be selected of the Calendar (ie same as for register classes)?
Digital enrolment forms
Hello we are looking into going digital for enrolment application. Is there any possibility of having a digital format that would be integrated into Principal +. ( IE prospective parent completes online form, uploads relevant documents and on submission
Staff Absenteeism - multiple selections
Good Day Is there any way to make it possible for multiple staff members to be selected at the same time for the same type of leave? Our school was closed for 10 days for quarantine and all staff members were off, I now have to go to 65 individual staff
Learner Profiles
Good day , I would like to enquire whether the profile feature is going to be updated for use ? At the moment it only contains the data verification form and we would like to use D6 for our profiles. We would like the information we already input on
Paperless trail and covid compliance
To improve our data quality we would like an option on d6 to UPLOAD DOCUMENTS. We receive documents, eg. medical certificates, signed consent forms, COVID Agreement forms, etc. via email and wish to save or upload it on d6. This way we ensure that
All Staff to be included in dropdown for Register Class Allocation (Private Schools)
Good Day, As discussed with the compliance team our school would like to request that extra curricular coches/extra mural activity staff members (on the main category) be included in the dropdown list of educators allocated to register classes. This
Sick Leave - 3 year cycle
Please see the document that we use to keep track of Sick Leave over the 3 year cycle - Please can D6 add something to track this important information.
Multiple Letterhead Options for Reports
With 4 different campuses , each with their own address, subheading (Junior/Senior Primary) email & phone numbers using one letterhead is not feasible. An option to have multiple letterheads is imperative for our school or even an option to upload our
Asset/ Room Booking for Staff
Our school has limited devices like projectors, laptops, etc. Having an online booking system for staff would give us a twofold benefit 1 ) Easy confirmation that the item is free to use during a specific period/time for staff members 2 ) Log of who used
Hallo, with the new POPI Act being implemented in June this year, would you add the info on the general part of the contract?
Goeie dag Hoop dit gaan goed Prosperitas wat ons oorhandiging doen het ons laat weet dat op ons skool se registrasie forms die volgende moet staan waar die ouers die kontrak teken Afrikaans : Ons/Ek verleen hiermee toestemming dat my naam op buro?s
Digital Registration Forms
Hi, it would be wonderful to have an option for parents to register and re-register their children using a digital/online form that can be completed and submitted to the school.
Goeiedag Is dit moontlik om'n disiplinere verslag van 'n leerder te print sonder die opmerking kolom. Omdat personeel meestal onder druk is, veroorsaak dit dat hulle in die opmerking kolom afkortings en soms taal foute begaan. Die hoof en ander personeel
Learner Discipline display
Our Grade heads run Learner Discipline so when using the link found under My Home / Code of Conduct tasks:/ 4. You have 10 offenses for which messages can be sent. Click here to view the list. we would like to see the grade and class of the students when
Ouer Verjaarsdaglys
Ons benodig 'n verjaarsdaglys van ons ouers om vir die onderwysers kan gee. Ons bemarkingsbestuurder het altyd die ouers gebel as hulle verjaar. Hy is nou weg en nou moet die onderwysers dit self doen. Wil nie 'n lys met ID nommers vir hulle gee nie,
Verslae: Registrasievorm vir 2022
Wanneer Registrasievorms aan ouers gestuur word, kan hul dit nie invul en dadeldik terugstuur nie, want dit is PDF. Is daar moontlikheid dat hul direk by ontvangs, dadelik kan invul en terug epos (sonder om dit eers uit te druk en dan weer in te scan).
Report Card - Permissions
I have suggested before, but can there please be an option to choose who has access to print learner report cards. Anyone with access to capture their marks (all teachers) can also print a report card, which completely removes any form of control measures
Can you please show the learners birthdays also when you lock in ... ... like the parents and staff " You have 1 parent who is celebrating their birthday today. Click here to send them a birthday message" Regards
Timetable - Classroom timetables
Could you please adjust the import of room timetables to d6+ from Principal Timetabler to include all rooms, not only those used for register classes? We have specialist rooms that are not used for register classes (e.g. kitchens), but staff sometimes
Emailing Conduct reports
Good day Please consider an email option for the conduct reports. I send out the report cards electronically in bulk and in this day and age of technology, I would like to be able to send the parents a comprehensive conduct report once a term. We are
Leerder gemiddeld op rapport
Goeiedag Ons wil graag die gemiddeld van 'n leerder bereken op slegs Afrikaans Huistaal (kern vak) en dan die beste 6 vakke. Dit is vir Graad 10-12. Indien jy die seleksie maak van kerne vakke en beste 3 keuse vakke, dan word Afrikaans Huistaal, Engels
Family Code on Template for New Learners
Can it be considered to have a field on the template (that is imported for new learners) for a current family code. For instance the learner already has a sibling in the school and we want to attach the learner on the waiting list to the same family
voorstel vir excel
Goeie môre Geert Kan jy asseblief vir die ontwikkelaars van SMART vra of hulle die uitvoer na Excel so kan verander dat die leerder se van en naam in verskillende kolomme verskyn. Dit is moeilik om die analises te doen as dit is in dieselfde kolom is.
Report Cards
I am requesting that it be made possible to have a digital stamp on school reports.
Required Documents
There are a number of document required for physical files. It would be very useful if there could be a place on D6 to tick that these physical files have been received. Documents like Learner's birth certificate, Immunisation Card, Father's ID, Mother's
Default emailing for absenteeism
Please may you look into creating an automatic default email to advise parents that their child has been marked absent. We do not use SMS's. So the function needs to be like the SMS but in an email format.
Marks Imports
Good Day Would it be possible to add a function for importing marks to the system instead of only have to add them directly online.
Capture report comments for LEFT learners
When a student leaves the school - the ability to enter in assessment marks and print a report for her exists, however, the function to enter in and capture a report comment is not there, without re-instating her as a current learner. It would be great
Teacher / Learner information restrictions
Hello, with the oncoming POPI act we were wondering if it would be at all possible that we could select that teachers only have permission to access learner information for the classes that they teach?. IE Grade 1 teacher can only access learner information
Discipline: Merit/Demerit System
Good Day, We would like to request for an adaptation to the D6 system: Learner code of conduct to ensure that merits awarded to learners, for helpfulness etc. will automatically cancel demerits that learners have obtained.
Learner Absentees Total to reflect on screen as you capture
Good day I would like to request the following - When capturing the learner attendance - My School Learner Absentees - When capturing your daily learner attendance by class Selecting both when capturing Below the last learner on the scren to add in
leerder ondersteuning
Ons wil die leerderondersteuning opsie begin gebruik om 'n rekord te hou, wat saam met 'n kind van graad tot graad gaan, van ondersteuning aan 'n leerder gegee. Maar by die "Kies die tipe ondersteuning deur op die kieslys te kliek." - opsie, sou ons
Vrywaringsvorm / Toestemmingsbrief / Indemnity form
Kan daar dalk 'n templaat vorm opgetrek word met die inligting wat ons van die leerder op die stelsel het, ouer besonderhede, asook mediese besonderhede, wat dan gebruik kan word vir enige sport, toer, uitstappie of ander byeenkoms, as vrywarings/toestemmingsbrief.
Elektroniese Rapporte
Daar word geweldig baie papier vir rapporte druk gebruik. Ons wil begin papier spaar. Ons leef in die era van bewus wees van klimaatsverandering en om ons aarde te beskerm. Hierdie is die ideale geleentheid om groen te gaan. Ons druk ten minste 1
Koppel 'n tyd aan gedragskode aksie
Dit sal baie help om gedragskode module beter te maak indien ons 'n aksie aan 'n tydperk ook kan koppel. Byvoorbeeld, 3 oortredings in die verloop van 1 week of 5 oortredings in die verloop van 1 kwartaal. Die aksie afdeling kan net dit bykry.
Please add the learners timetable to the overview screen as this would a lot easier. Especially for the teacher, and emergency situations. Thanks
Leerder afwesighede
Is daar 'n manier wat ek die afwesighede kan aandui, sonder dat dit getel word as 'n afwesigheidsdag? Bv Skooltoer/Skooluitstappie: Leerders is nie fisies teenwoordig by die skool nie, maar hulle is onder toesig van personeel besig met kulturele of sportbedrywighede.
Learner Absentee Register
Hello, would it be possible to have an excel download function for this report. So that we can edit the format on the sign off section.
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