Separating Boys and Girls in absentee input
Good day We are currently on a 50 % capacity due to the school's size. We are doing a 2 week rotation with 5 days per gender Eg: 1st Week Boys 2nd Week Monday, Wednesday and Friday Tuesday and Thursday Girls alternating.
Bulk upload learner images
Would it be possible to implement a bulk upload of learner images to the system? We currently have all learner images saved as admin number .jpg, so the reference is already there.
Detention Communication
Would it be possible to have a notify parents option when printing the Notice of detention? Learners often don't inform their parents, leaving them unaware that their child was actually in detention.
An urgent request: All reports where learner name appear - generated under whereabouts to please have a separate column with Grade/Class for every learner.
Registration forms
When one enters a new staff member, there is a lot of other information that is not included on the Staff Registration Form under Reports. I wonder if it is possible to add all the information that is required on the Staff Registration Form, it would
Add timetable tab or view under learner overview
It is a faster way to access a learners timetable for teachers
Voters roll
With the upcoming Governing Body elections: The facility to export /draw info from the database directly once downloaded have an option to extract a voters roll with basic info. It however export sibling info more than once ie for each child parents detail
Whereabout reports
The print/export facility under reports|where abouts to mirror the screen where where abouts are recorded. Particularly the class allocation to be in a separate column
To complete a learners profile ... It will be very nice to have an option to put the learner's concessions in. Please ...
Sports Teams
We would like to be able to add sports / team and allocate the learners who participate in those sports, in a similar way to how houses are setup. Please could you consider adding this feature.
Highlight Notes
Good morning Please may we request that on the Learner Overview tab, that the "notes" tab gets highlighted as soon as a note has been added for the learner. We are finding that the teachers are emailing parents without reading the sensitive information
Enrollment form
Can the Enrollment form's lines be made darker (weight of lines) please. Lines print very light and disappear when making copies...
Transfer card additional info
Hallo, Would it be possible to add on the learner transfer card who requested the transfer? We have extended family members that want to de-register learners. If we can add that - it would make tracking WHO requested the transfer easier. Thanks.
Disabilities that are not listed on the the profile ... can you please give drop down ... "other" ...
To complete a learners profile ... It will be very nice to have an option to put the learner's concessions in. Please ...
New learners
When entering new learners, we should be able to save at anytime even if not all the information is entered. We should be able to enter the houses a the same time.
I wanted to put the new learners into houses and this cannot be dont until the admin year end is completed. Sorry guys this is not acceptable. Something that should be simple is an issue. Please allow us to enter the houses when we enter the learner
Good afternoon, When entering a new learner, we need to be able to enter the house. This is an important request
Klaslyste - Gewig (Dikte) van kolomlyne
Kan u asb die kolomlyne se gewig (Weight) swaarder stel sodat die lyne dikker vertoon.
Learner profile additional information
Would it be possible to have a facility to upload word or pdf documents to a learner profile ie parent/teacher reports, Psych reports etc. The notes facility is a bit limiting.
Timetable email
Hi Due to COVID and now the move of school opening date, a function to email or make available the timetables for learners.
D6 - Email timetable to learners
Hi There Due to covid, we need to send our learners timetbales to them from the D6. Is there anyone that can assist with how to do this. Its similar to sending the reports. Thanks
Top Achievers List
I would like to request an option button for the Top Achievers list of "Current" learners only or "All" learners. At the moment, I have left AND current learners on the Top Achievers list. This is creating a problem and wasting time, as now we have to
Learner Absentees
When you do the Absentees for LEARNERS. Can you put a TICK BOX at the bottom of each day to SELECT ALL LEARNERS at once. Then you will be able to deselect individually for the few learners that do attend school. None of our learners are currently attending
Lurtis numbers per grade
please create an option where we can download lurits numbers per grade and student
Select All when capturing absent learners - end of Term
Good Day End of term is a hectic time for all schools. End of term means majority of learners absent with NO VALID REASON. NO VALID REASON is a legitimate absent reason on SASAMS. Please consider a SELECT ALL option so that we can select all learners
Split register classes
Due to COVID-19 regulations, our school's current setup is having each register class split in two. The two halves come to school on alternating days. This has created a few small problems when it comes to things like class lists, registers and curriculum
Scan in of learners on campus
We urgently need a app to scan in children at the gate and will integrate with the attendance register of D6. This will limit time waste in class to record attendance of learners as well as personnel. App can be loaded on cellphone or biometric system
SBA results - Term 3 on D6 connect
Good Day, Could you please consider to give a choice between SBA and Term results on the communicator? Thank you Francis
Top Achievers List - Promotion/Year Mark/SBA
Could the system be changed to only print the Calculated mark and not the individual terms as well? At the moment, if you print the calculated top achievers (Promotion/SBA/Year Mark) the report gives marks for each term subject, which seems a waste of space on the report, as all that's required is the final calculated mark, as that mark already incorporates the terms.
Opsie om Assesringspunte te stuur deur middel van D6 connect
My voorstel is dat assesringspunte soos dit ingelees word, 'n opsie het soos by die afwesighede waar daar aan die ouers 'n automatiese boodskap gestuur word om hulle in kennis te stel van die leerling se punte. Dit sal die Admin proses baie vergemaklik.
Goeiedag. Ons merk dat die leerder se volledige idnr, toeltaingsnr asook Jaar in Graad nou op die rapport vertoon. Ons hoof vra dat dit verwyder word, aangesien dit loodreg in teenstelling is met die Popia-Wet. Leerders verloor hul rapporte gereeld en sou iemand dit nou in die hande kry, is die leerder se persoonlike besonderhede daarop beskikbaar en stel dit die skool en die leerder bloot. Kan jul dit asb ten sterkste oorweeg om wel 'n opsie daar te stel op die templaat of ons daardie besonderhede
Registers - late comers
I have requested this before. I need to print out a list of the late learners each day.
Staff Photos
Hi Can you please add a field in SMART to see which staff members have a photo uploaded. That feature is available for the learners.
sport team/timetable
could the learners Sport Team also be printed on their timetable
Good morning, This has been requested before. When printing timetables the learners HOUSE must also be on the timetable
Please can the sport houses be indicated on the timetables of the learners
list of number of learners per subject per grade
Please add onto your to-do list. We need to print out a list of no of subjects per grade e.g subject name Total 8 9 10 11 12 Accounting 176 81 54 41
Print a Class List with number of absentees per learner for a certain period
Hi I would really like to be able to print a class List with the learners total days absent for a term or year. At the end of the term/year we need to be able to see who has not been absent for the whole term/year. Thanks
Hallo D6 By DOE Subject Performance... Kan julle dalk eendag vir ons n opsie gee om op die Promosiepunt ook hierdie stats te genereer.....tans kan ons dit net in die aksie van n kwartaal doen. Groete Geert
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