Afwesighede van leerders
My tuiste – My Take – dan kom daar ‘n lys van take op waar onder andere sms’e en D6 kommunikasie vir ouers gestuur kan word vir hul kinders wat die dag afwesig is. Die lys van afwesiges het nie graad en seksie by nie. Kan die graad en seksie bygevoeg word per leerder? Dan moet die lys in graad – en – seksieverband gepopuleer word (bv. al die graad 8A leerders wat afwesig is, dan die graad 8B leerders wat afwesig is ens.) sodat die persoon wat die afwesighede behartig, dit per graad en seksie kan
Good day I would just like to request that the date/year be added to the design layout of the marksheets. Thank you so much, Roslyn
Mark sheet extra
Good day Please if its possible can the year appear on all mark sheets? Thank you
Data Verification for waitlists
Would it be possible to include data verification forms for the waiting lists, so that when registration day takes place, the information can be corrected if needs be.
Absenttee and late list
Good afternoon, I have requested this before. I need to be able to print the late learner list and a left early list
Verslae: Rapport vir hoërskool leerders
Dit is dalk 'n goeie idee om dit moontlik te maak dat rapporte aan die leerders ook gestuur word.
Copy function year to year
Please can we have a copy function for year end. If we can copy from term to term during the year - subject grouping ie learners subjects and teachers, why can't we have a copy function from term 4 of one year to term 1 of the next year. This is a year to year copy instead of redoing all the classes per grade. Grade 8 to 9 and grade 10 to 11 and grade 11 to 12 remain unchanged, it is pointless and huge time wasting to redo this at such a late stage of the year. This will save hours of unnecessary
Lurits nommers
Is dit dalk moontlik dat die leerders se Lurits nommers ALTYD op 'n rapport druk? Dan het mens dit as daar nuwe leerders in die skool kom, moet 'n rapport aanvra om punte in te lees, dan terselftertyd kry mens die Lurits nommer, om dit ook in te lees
Leerder afwesighede
Ek wil weet of dit moontlik is om nog 'n "tab" oop te maak vir afwesighede. Ons wil wegdoen met registerperiodes in die oggende - afwesighede sal dus in die eerste periode van 'n dag gebeur. Ons het dus nodig om afwesighede per vakgroep - VAKGROEPINDELING - te doen. BV - Gr 11 - Fisiese wetenskappe - en dan moet die volgende keuse ook beskikbaar wees: Tans maak dit die hele Fisiese wetenskap keuse oop, maar elke onderwyser moet net sy leerders kan sien.
Ons sal graag die opsie wil hê om die herregistrasievorm aan te pas volgens ons skool se behoeftes op D6.
Herregistrasievorm: Vrywaring
Tans sê die 8ste punt, onder vrywaring, van die herregistrasievorm die volgende: “Hiermee bevestig ek dat enige beeldmateriaal van my kind gebruik mag word vir enige publikasies van die skool, in watter formaat ook al.” Ons regsadvies beveel aan om spesifiek
Detention list and totals
Is there a possibility to generate a report of the total learners that received detention in each term as well as the total number of learners that attended the detention.
Learner Leave
I am very grateful that this feature was added at last! I however have a problem: We cannot use the system as is for the covid-attendance as we did not do a simple division by surname and would also like to use this function during exam times when only those who are writing, tend to attend. Is it not possible to adjust the system in one of the following ways? 1. Enable us to select individuals per house and mark them absent with the same reason at once. Thus similar what you currently have, start
‘n Opsie om die vierde kwartaal die herregistrasievorms direk aan die ouers te epos – dieselfde soos met ‘n skoolfonds staat. As ons ‘n staat kan epos behoort ons mos ook die herregistrasievorm te kan epos.
Kan ons moontlik die epos funksie kry om herregistrasievorms te epos na die ouers. Asseblief
Goeiedag ek sal graag elke gesin se herregistrasievorm vanaf die stelsel kan epos.
Sorting of names on Marksheets
Can the names on the marksheets / class lists ( and all other lists) be sorted according to the full names and not according to the preferred name? A lot of mistakes are made because the sorting is different. Please, for us, this is high priority.
Oulike konsep, veral in die deurmekaar tye, maar dit kan net per leerder ingelees word. Kan julle dit asb maak sodat dit per graad per klas moontlik is asb. Dankie.
IQMS Platform
Would it be possible to add an option under staff to complete the IQMS Forms and the peer and HOD reviews? Just a suggestion to possibly improve the IQMS experience at schools.
Student Cards
Would it be possible to add a feature for printing student cards? I made cards for our school be creating a mail merge with the exported learner details. Was wondering if it could be included in the system.
Goeiedag #216538" Voorheen kan afwesighede per vak ingelees word. Nou moet dit by doen en late gedoen word. Met Covid het ons soveel ekstra werk om te doen en versoek die onderwysers dat jul die inlees van afwesighede per vak terugplaas aangesien dit 'n vinnige metode is en tyd nou van kardinale belang is. Elke klas gaan nou in 2 groepe skool en afwesighede is nou selfs 'n groot uitdaging en tydrowend. Ons sal dit hoog op prys stel as jul die saak DRINGEND kan oorweeg en spoedig terugvoer kan
Saturday absentees
We are having classes for the girls on Saturday, we need to capture absentees, would it not be possible to capture and send absentee and sms's for Saturdays.
Opsie vir ouers se adres op rapport.
Ons het ouers gehad wat aansoek doen vir 'n paspoort vir hulle kinders. Hulle het 'n heel laaste rapport vereis waarop die ouers se fisiese adres ook op moes wees. Dit is die eerste keer dat ons so 'n versoek kry. Weet nie of dit nou 'n vereiste gaan wees as daar aansoek gedoen gaan word vir paspoorte nie.
Dit sal baie help as ons asb by vakgroeplyste, net soos by klaslyste, die leerders se selnommers kan kies by die drukopsie. Inligting is nodig om bv whatsapp groepe van 'n vakgroep te skep.
class lists
Oh my goodness, why have you changed the set up of class lists. All class lists need a space to write. Please change it back. The way it is now means 4 more steps just to print a class list
Parent information
Would it be possible for another tab for additonal parent/guardian information. Being a rural based school many children are living with their grandparents and those are the contact details we need at hand for day to day correspondence.
Learner Absentees - Reports | Learners | Attendance Register
Grade Heads must be displayed next to the SMT field on the summary report (on month cycle)
Screening Forms
Instead of having to type or write all the screening forms for each child, can the system not generate the screening forms for you?
Instead of having to manually type all the permits for the children, can the system not generate the permit for you?
Connect App Take-Up
Would it be possible to generate a classlist with the information about whether or not the parent is on the D6 Connect App. It shows on the parent list, but not the learner list.
Editing of learner and Educator details
Please consider the option to edit a learner / Educator's details directly in the line that displays their name and details when doing a learner/Educator search - this would save a lot of time as you would not need to open the profile and go in to each area and tab there that needs editing.
Laai van 'n lêer by leerder notas
Dit sal handig wees as ons 'n lêer kan aanhaak (bv pdf van 'n brief of geboortesertifikaat) by die leerder notas.
Profile / Edlabs
The old Smart had a space where we could indicate that we have requested the learner's profile from their previous school. Once received we could indicate that we had it and that it was in the learner's file. That feature is no longer available on the new SMART. It means that teachers cannot look on SMART to see if the edlabs are here. Teachers have to sign for keys, then go into the dungeons to look for information only to find that he edlabs are not here. Also to follow up with the schools
Printing option for labels
Would it be possible for an option to print labels for envelopes.
Report card permissions
Good day. This suggestion might not be for everyone but here goes. Currently to be able to change a template for the report function, the super users should enable curriculum setting for a user. I would like if setting up report forms was a entity on it's own. So super User should tick people that should work with report cards. The rest should be able to view, but not change. I have issues where deputies / other teachers that should be able to update marks according to CAPS also change the template
Onderwyser ook ouer
Ek sal graag 'n ouer wat op die personeel is kan link sodat hulle nie 2x op die stelsel hoef te wees nie
Ek sal graag meer as 2 ouers wil kan invoer
Printable summary per grade per class
Good Day I am requesting the programmers to look into having a printable numbers per grade and per class just like the one we had in Smarts please. I miss smarts when i become frustrated especially the information required by GDE. Thank you Jerry
Space for Headings on Class Lists
Hi Please, is it possible to add elongated cells at the top of the blank columns on the class lists in order to write the name of the assessment task etc. I have attached a copy of our existing class list. The Code/% info is not essential. Many than
Klaslyste/Class lists
Kan ons asb. dit op word of excel aftrek
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