Pre School Reports
Having approached your Support Team, they suggested posting my reqest. I would like to be able to add images to the various subjects on our Pre School reports, so as to make them aligned with the more typical younger children's reports. Please could the
Report on Sport Teams
We would like to be able to pull a report for sport teams, that indicate siblings. For example, if we link a sibling to an existing family code, we want the default sport team to appear for the new sibling being added so that they can be in the same sports
Fixed subject groups or subject group templates
Our grade 8 and 9 classes are fixed. Meaning the same 25 learners are for example in 8V (which is different from the register classes) and they have all their subjects together. I would like to be able to form a group 8V, 8W, etc. with learners and then
Naming Combinations in Timetabler
It would be most useful if we could name each combination for each grade so that when the timetabler is printed, the combination's name is printed. i.e. our learners know which is their Line 4 subject, their Line 5 subject and their line 6 subject so
Koppel van betalingsopsies vir 2023
Voordat betalingsopsies vir 2023 gekoppel kan word moet die volgende stappe voltooi word: toelatings, her registrasies EN promoverings. Ek verstaan dat die promeverings net in die agtergrond gedoen word en eers finaal word as die Finale Resultate in Kurrikulum
Default YES on Parents "receive email"
When registering a NEW learner and adding parent details, the current default for Receive copy of account statement e-mail: is NO. This is a problem because if you are importing, it stays NO and then parents are not receiving statements. When we imported
The New Font In the Upgrade
Hi Team, Thank you for the update, the new system looks lovely. However, I find the new font quite difficult to read. It's not always possible to easily distinguish between an o and an a - and it's not as clear as the old font. Because the new font
Learners who must not be imported into SAMS
We have a few junior school hostel only learners, who we do not import into SAMS, as they are not in the high school. We found out about this functionality yesterday (thank you, Tommie). Could you build in a reminder at the end of the year or for the
Invoer van punte
Is dit dalk moontlik om n funksie te kan hé waar punte ingevoer kan word vanaf excell na d6. Sommige vakke het n klompie formules wat voor die tyd moet gedoen word en dan eers ingelees word, veral by juniors. Hoe kan n mens makliker maak sodat punte net
Report Layout Changes
I have attached copies of Reports we wish to have adjusted in layout. Note that only Term 4 must show accumulated totals for absenteeism, transgressions, late for school, etc. We require a Reply Slip to be added to bottom of page to ensure parents can
Staff reports
It would really be nice if we could have a Staff Report for birthdays, alternatively a staff report where various fields can be chosen. thank you ;-)
Allergies on the class lists
It would be really helpful to have allergies as a column topic when printing out class lists. it takes too long to get a document that shows all the allergies in the school (a lot of editing and deleting in excel). this would also help the teachers within
As we have only moved onto D6 with the last 2 years, we would like to be able to load learner support history for all our learners. Currently we can only load the current years support, but we would like to be able to load all the history so that it
Discipline Notification
Please could there be some alternative options added to the parent notification under the Discipline/Recognition system: 1) D6 Connect Only 2) D6 Connect or else Email 3) D6 Connect or else SMS 4) D6 Connect or else Email or else SMS
Query top learner for specific tasks in subjects
We give prizes to the top achievers of all subjects including, Geography, History, Creative Arts and PSW. At the moment there is no way to query that information.
Disciplinary Code compatibility with SASAMS
Kan julle asseblief voorsiening maak om die dissiplinêre inskrywings en inisidente te kan deurtrek na SASAMS toe. Die Departement in Limpopo vereis nou dat Dissiplinêre oortredeings en insidente op SASAMS aangetoon moet word. Die stelsel maak egter nie
Foreign Learners and Parents
With Foreign Learners enrolled at SA schools and the Governments concern around the funding of such learners. it became vital that the necessary and compulsory information about their legality be captured, and available on demand. Parents: 1. Must have
Assign superuser rights to users
PLEASE can the super user role be included as a right for a user. The reason is that if you are currently logged in and doing something – a user needs to have their password reset. I have to logon as super user to do so. Then when I come back to the
Add class to general enquiry messages being received
I have attached a screen shot of what we receive when a new general enquiry comes through. Is it possible to add the learner class to the notification? This would be very helpful. Kind Regards Michelle
Behoefte om personeelsake formeel te bestuur en enige aksies te dokumenteer vir monitering en prestasieoorsig doeleindes. Benodig vir bestuursdoeleindes.
When re-registering a learner, the Afrikaans and English version of d6 differs e.g. Learner returns to school - Leerder keer terug na skool (nuwe toelantingsnommer) Learner never left school - Leerder het nooit skool verlaat nie (behou toelatingsnommer)
Code of Conduct filters
Please add a catergory filter for the Code of Conduct reports. The system refers to Code of Conduct on one area and Discipline in the next window. BUt if the Reports per learners or grade can be printed with only categories filtered on it will help.
Report Cards
Printing teachers names next to component subjects like NS and SS for grade 8 and 9 report cards.
Capturing Learner Absenteeism
Can the days of the week-columns please be narrower, so that it is easier to click on the applicable days without having to move the mouse over the table... with large amounts of absences it consumes a lot of time if columns are too far apart.
Rapporte - Handtekeninge
Kan jul dalk ook met die volgende help. Ons het ‘n Laer- en Hoërskool sowel as ‘n Pre-Primer op dieselfde perseel. Ons het nou ‘n Laerskool Hoof sowel as ‘n Uitvoerende Hoof. Rapporte moet verskillend geteken word. Laerskool Hoof teken Laerskool rapporte
Missing Marks By Classroom or Subject Group
Good day, Please consider adding a function for Missing Marks whereby one can pull a Missing Marks report either by classroom or by subject group? Would be hugely helpful #justsaying
Wanneer 'n kind verhuis, is daar 'n opsie om die nuwe skool, waarheen die kind gaan, in te tik. MAAR As die hoof vir my vra, hy soek statistieke waarheen is die verlaters, kry ek nie 'n verslag waarby die nuwe skool se besonderhede by is nie.
Missing marks
This program does not have a quick and easy way to check missing marks. Perhaps you could copy Smart. Smart had the ideal way of checking missing marks.
Progression schedule
Dear D6 Would it be possible to create a progression schedule in the format that I have attached a screengrab at the bottom of the post as the file size is too big to upload, we are a High school and that is the format of our progression schedule's that
Learner documents /
Good day The ability to add / upload more than one type of Learner Document under each option would be beneficial. And the ability to rename them under said tabs. E.g. IN an instance where a learner has been adopted, we receive the original birth certificate
Hi. Could you please add RELIGION as an option in the following tab: Reports - Learner - Age Statistics. Thank you.
Data Verification form - printing of Nationality
Good morning, I am super happy that the field for Nationality is printing on the Data Verification form. Is it possible to print the nationality that is in the system instead of letting parents fill it in again? We have a lot of non-citizens, and they
Can we please have a Legal Guardian as an option on the Family Status drop down list. Please see below.
Marks Reports: All Grades option in Dropdown to print a teachers entire subject allocation at once
Good Day Not an issue per se but having the option to select all grades under mark reports would save quite a bit of time. Usually we have to go per grade and then filter by teachers name to print all their required marksheets. Alternatively, a dropdown
Printing of reports
Please add a feature to print class lists/ subject lists with the following options included: 1. The learner's e-mail address. 2. The learner's photo loaded on to d6. At the moment we can only print their cellphone numbers. Thanks!
Please can you add a "Save Learner information" button on each page when adding learners
Hi PLEASE can we have a button to save learner information on each page when adding new learners to the system.... 4 times today (and twice yesterday) I have got to the point of adding details for one of the parents and the program has Crashed, frozen
Transfer card that aligns with SA-SAMS
We have recently encountered an issue at my school, particularly with learners transferring to public schools. They are not accepting the D6 transfer card as it does not look the same as SAMS. Upon further inspection I have noted that there are some differences
Hi I added a topic earlier about entering late comers in the same way as the attendance confirmations. I am hoping you could create a whereabouts report that would list a class with children in that class and a total of days late for either a date range
Hi, Can D6 create a universal testimonial of learners with the following information: * Short letter of years in the school. * Academic performance. * Overall discipline report. * Summary of awards received. All on one compact letter. Kind regards J
Detention sms
Hi Is it possible to have a button that can send a notification or sms to detention learners? As a reminder a day or 2 before detention. Regards Jean
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