d6 Connect - App Opstelling
Please allow the user to sent the default invite method. This prevents costly SMS invites from being sent . Alteratively just default it to Email sure most client use that
Absentee Notifications
Please add option to set default for absentee notifications . Currently I have to change it every time I open that menu to only D6 connect. This prevents unplanned SMS costs
Rich Text Formatting
Rich Text Formatting for Effective Communication d6 Connect only allows plain text. Most modern communication platforms provide for rich text formatting - such as bold, underline, bullets etc. Please update d6 Connect to allow for rich text formatting.
Request to Re-enable Learner Number as Payment Reference
Good Day Our school does not have the finance module enabled. We are writing to request that the learner admin number be re-enabled as we use it as a payment reference on the connect app. Previously, this feature was available, allowing parents to easily
Normally there was an option to create calendar date and send reminder day before. Now when you create you must send news info to click reminder. We only want the reminder to be send and not every time a date is created.
Access to D6 Connect for Learners
Good day, Please could you look at adding the ability for learners to connect to D6 Connect in order for them to see their academic progress. In this modern day and age, it is important for learners to see what progress they are making academically in
Read receipts for bulk emails
Schools use the bulk email facility to send our notifcations/newsletters or even single email messages to parents. Please could you look at developing: a. A system that will have email tracking that allows us to see when an email has been read. b. The
Communication to parents adding child's name in message
Can you please add an option to add a child's name in a message when a general message is sent, for example a detention date notice, because some parents have two or three children in the school and they do not know which child has detention.
General message
Please make it possible to add a learner's name on a general message eg {learner:name} failed his Maths test
How to retrieve an SMS sent to a specific learner.
Good Day I would like to suggest that D6 creates an icon for SMSs that have been sent to learners, so that we can see or print out the SMSs sent to that particular learner. Thank you
Delete tasks not used
We do not use the absenteeism or sport teams function on d6 - how can it be removed from the lists of tasks outstanding?
Two email fields for staff
Please would it be possible to add 2 email fields for staff, one for Private and one for School email...Most of the communication needs to be done on the school email, but we need a record of the private email in some circumstances. Many thanks
Good day Is there any way that D6 can look into this for future upgrades. I'll explain why I would like to suggest this: Our grade 5 learners went on camp, so I sent a message to the grade 5 parents that they have arrived safely - however the staff with
Mail merge
Can you please consider adding a mail merge function when sending emails from D6. We need this urgently. Example: Beste {parent_title} {parent_surname} Baie geluk met {learner_first_name} se A-gemiddeld. Groete Mnr. P. Viljoen Skoolhoof {school_name}
Superuser..add lines or make it easier to see which User right I am dealing with
Hi When I am trying to setup a new staff member on d6 I have great difficulty in seeing which user right I am setting as there is a lot of blank space between the item and the setting on my wide screen. Even when I reduce the size of my window ...it is
Communication to waitlist learners
Suggestion- To build in or create dynamic groups to communicate with waitlist learners per grade under the communication module. For example to send messages/emails specifically to only the Grade 1 waitlist parents and not to the entire waitlist, to be
Attachments larger than 5 MB
Currently the maximum size an attachment can be sent to the parents is 5 MB. Recently, our circulars are usually larger than 5 MB (pdf) as we use a lot of "pictures" and color to depict our activities and achievements in our circular. As we are limited
D6 Payments - Automated reminders and not interested
Hello Please could you consider adding functionally to d6 Payments that could do the following: 1. Reminder end uses to make payment 1.a. Administrators to set when the reminders go out. 2. Give end user the option do indicate they are not attending/not
d6 Payments - Refund
Hello Please consider developing an option to refund money into the end users wallet. There is a need to refund for various reasons and this would make the finance team's job easier. Thank you.
d6 Payment - Limited Bookings
Hello Please consider allowing for an option to set the number of transactions/purchases on a project. There are instances when there is an event and only a certain number of tickets are available for sale. It would be great if the system, could: 1. Send
d6 Payments & Questions - First Come First Serve
Hello We have a few instances where tickets are sold on a first come first serve basis. Currently parents are asked to reply on a paper reply slip and send cash. Those that are received 1st are issued tickets to the event. How would we be able to use
Improve Communication Roles
Good Day Would it be possible to give staff members a role that they can only send out direct messages to communication channels they have been given rights to? Ie. Mr A only can send to U9 cricket team, Mrs B can only send to U11 netball team? Mrs C
Teacher / Parent Appointment Online Booking System
It would be helpful if parents were able to schedule an appointment with a teacher through the D6 Connect App. Teachers will set up available time slots and parents can go on and book a time slot and a message will be sent directly to the teacher to confirm.
Email notification for absenteeism notices
Is it possible to have an email notification sent through to inform the school that an absent notice has been logged? We dont have the D6 portal open all the time, it would be helpful to receive a prompt when new items are posted
Absenteeism notices
When parent log an absent notice, would it be possible to respond/ acknowledge it using the app (instead of sending an sms)
Learner term average on D6 Connect App
Can you please add the learners' term averages to the D6 Connect App? Currently, the parents can only see the term marks. This will make it easier for parents to see how their child is fairing in school
The suggestion is due to the sheer volume of notifications that do not necessarily apply to all the recipients resulting in some being missed. My suggestion is the ability for schools to create and manage "channels". Channels could be something like grades
Gee D6 administrateurs die toegang om self nuusitems te kan verwyder soos met bronne en kalender
Goeie dag Dink sterk daaraan om dieselfde funksie soos by Bronne en Kalender te skep by die Nuusitems dat ons die ou boodskappe heeltemal kan verwyder en dit nie net onttrek nie. By Bronne en Kalender kan jy dit "onttrek" maar ook "verwyder". Sommige
Kommunikasievoorkeur : D6 Connect
Kan u asseblief die opsie vir “D6 Connect” byvoeg onder Kommunikasievoorkeur by die afdeling van die ouers van leerders.
Parent and learner documents
Can we give the parent the option to take a photo of their ID and upload it to the parent profile, that links it to the parent documents on d6?
Communication Groups - Parents and Parents by Learners
When editing a group, parents already assigned to the group are removed. When I created the groups I used the 'Parents' option available on the drop down. .I saved the group. I then edited the group to add 2 more parents but had to search for the parents
HI SMS - PRINTING Could we please get the option to print and save sms'e that are send. Currently we must copy and paste the sms to word and then print. Previously on the D6 there was a print option. Thanks
Dynamic field tags
There are already various places where dynamic tags can be used (e.g. learner report remarks, online registration emails, and discipline SMSes. Please can this feature be rolled out to all communication channels (multi-platform, SMS, email, Connect)?
Gebruik van WhatsApp-toepassing
Goeiedag, wat is die moontlikheid om WA-boodskappe as 'n opsie vir kommunikasie met ouers op te stel? Ons ondervind dat ons ouers al hoe minder SMS-boodskappe lees. Baie dankie.
Parent Responses to Questions
Good morning, Would it be possible that parents receive a submitted message or a confirmation tick when they submit their responses on connect. I constantly get parents phoning asking us to check that their reply has been submitted.
Audit Log for Absentee and Discipline messages sent via D6 Connect
Right now only SMS logs can be viewed for absentee and discipline messages sent. There is no way to review and confirm those sent via D6 connect. This is an issue as we have no evidence to prove that we have messaged the parents to inform them of their
d6 - Questions to Replies
Hello A suggestions. Currently it's known as Questions to a d6 post. Consider calling it Replies. In a school environment, every parent and staff member knows what a Reply Slip is. Replies will make more sense in a School environment. Thank you.
Print Option
As a high school we find the ability to print an sms or email after it has been sent very useful. As there is many occasions when we need to prove to the relevant party that communication was made.
Bulk import of Own Numbers
We would like to have a function to bulk import own numbers when sending out SMS/Emails. The reason is when we want to message parents who are not yet in the system in bulk we have to manually type in each number under own number. It would be useful to
Link D6 Payments to Questions
Hello Currently we are collecting money for a fundraiser that requires the parents to complete a reply slip (Questions). Parents are either paying and not filling in the questions or they are filling in the questions and not paying. If we could have an
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