Kommunikasie geskiedenis onder leerder oorsig
Kan daar dalk 'n "tab" oopgemaak word by leerder oorsig sodat ALLE kommunikasie wat na daardie profiel gestuur is, op een plek wys asseblief
Hello Please could you consider adding functionally to Questions that could do the following: 1. Reminder end uses to complete the Questions 1.a. Administrators to set when the reminders go out. 2. Give end user the option do indicate they are not attending/not
Questions on a d6 Connect Message
Hello We are using the Questions as a reply slip. Would it be possible to have the questions as it's own menu item, such as resources. The reason for the is request is that the questions are against a particular d6 connect message/news item. When we need
Microsoft Office Calendar Integration
Good day. Can you please look into also supporting integration with Microsoft Office Calendar as you already do with Google. The integration will be in HTML or ICS format. Kind Regards
Calendar sync to Google calendar
Please can we get a link that syncs the D6 calendar to google calendar. To plan an already busy schedule is far more efficient if all calendar entries are in one place.
Channels and End Users Selected
Hello When viewing messages that were sent, i.e. d6 Connect Messages, it will be very helpful to see which channels and end users were selected. The Platform Message > Message History does show which channels were selected but not which end users. If
Resend a d6 Connect Message
Hello I have a situation where a d6 Connect message has been sent. It has not had a great response (I asked for a question to be completed) and need to resend or flag it again. The message is as follows - see yellow highlighted message: The message contents
Send another message to previous selected users
Hello It would be very helpful to have funcationalty whereby another message could be sent to the same selected users. For example, a function has been advertised to a select set of users. The function is cancelled. It would be ideal to send a cancellation
Attachments added to Resources
Hello Currently attachments are added to messages when using Multiplatform Messages. It would be very useful to be able to attached a document/image/etc to a message and at the same time add it to a category in resources. Currently the system requires
Personalised d6 Connect message
It would be great to be able to personalise a d6 connect message as follows: Dear Mr Smith Please not that your child...... It would be great to use the fields already been used in Email Invitation Template, i.e {title} {surname}
Questions - Change button to submit
Morning Please could you consider changing the position and the button used to submit an answer to a question. Currently the button is at the top right hand side on a mobile app. It is not obvious for non-technically minded individuals they need to push
Images in body of message
Hello As with whats app, an image can be sent as the body of the message. It would be great if d6 could have this facility. We create images for social media pages and whats app groups. It would be beneficial if we coudl share the image in d6 connect
Read stats on Resources
Hello It would be very helpful to have read statistics, as per d6 connect messages, on resources. Thank you.
Additional space for resource uploads
Maybe a way to add additional strorage space (at additional monthly cost) for uploading of more resources. At the moment the space is something like 25meg only.
Deleting /disabling old messages
It would be wonderful if we could batch disable/delete old messages. The current method is very time consuming.
Direct messaging certain staff members via d6
It would be a great option to have as a setting to allow certain contacts under the contact section to be allowed to be hyperlinked or something to be able to directly message them via the app.
Easier way to put recurring events on the calendar.
Is there an easy way to put recurring events on the calendar. Let's say there is sports training happening twice a week, and we would like to put it on the calendar, how can we do it only once, but it is showing each week. If there is not such an option,
Option to have both languages for messaging directly
It would be a good idea to allow the sending of messages to specific groups in both languages as right now it only gives one language option unless you do a broadcast message.
Direct or Broadcast Message
After sending out a message with a question or completing of a form or date of meeting, whether feedback was good or not, one needs that same message to pop up again in recipients news feed as a reminder - a push notification or reminder or something.
Delayed Delivery of Communication
Hi, From what I can tell, there is an option on d6 to write a message and send it out at a later stage via SMS. I have not yet tested it much as we prefer to use email or app communication. I think it would be useful to have an option to delay delivery
d6 Connect message + Attachment + Question
Hello Currently the d6 Connect allows the user to send a d6 Connect message with either an attachment (using multiplatform messages) or ask a question (using d6 connect Messages). We often have instances where we need to send out a letter has it contains
Channels - Indicate Registered Users
When adding End Users to a Channel it is not possible to see if they are a registered end user. Could you add a icon/some form of indication that they are registered users. This is important when sending d6 connect message. If they are not registered
D6 Connect - Completed questionnaire notification
Good day, would it be possible that once parents have filled in their responses for questions that they get some sort of notification that the form has been successfully submitted. We are finding that we have many duplicate responses as parents are not
UPDATE delivery method
"We have simplified the selection of delivery methods on step 2 of Multi-platform Messages > Send Message - you are now able to select delivery of messages to d6 Connect independently from other delivery methods." Hi with the new update on delivery methods
D6 Connect report cards
Could you also make it possible for parents to access printable report cards on the app or even to get the marks section on the d6 connect to show also if the learner has passed or failed and also the endorsements.
Email and D6 and SMS messages
Hi, I know it is possible to send messages either via the app or email or via SMS. I know you can also send it to all of them. As a rural school, some of our parents still do not have frequent access to email or don't even have smartphones but then
Pre load d6 Connect and Multiplatform messages
Hello It would be so beneficial if we could preload d6 Connect and Multiplatform messages and set a date and time for the messages to be distributed. There are a number of instances where reminders need to be sent out prior to an event. If the reminders
Default reply-to email address
We have had a number of situations where messages sent using the multi-platform option on d6= have the reply-to email address default to the School Admin address. When I enquired about this through support, it appears the reply-to address either defaults
Multimedia and Images
The old D6 app (blue logo) had a separate multimedia tab, all images could be posted here and was able to be placed into varied categories this was a helpful feature. Please add this into the Connect app. And when/if you do, kindly allow the system user
Mobile App features
Kindly allow for features on the chrome to be on the mobile app as well. Allow for adding of calender events, uploading of media and resource files through the mobile app at the very least for Administrators if not all system users. Thank you
Resources for staff
When posting resources, can multiple channels be selected (own and dynamic) that post to all these channels at once If you post a resources we would like to select that all staff also receive the resources so that they can stay in the loop of what is
Calendar schedule
Can a function be added to calendar events to schedule it when it will be posted on D6 It is not ideal for parents to get notification at odd hours of the day about a calendar event that has been added, especially if you selected news feed and push notification.
Calendar Events
Can recurring calendar events option made available. When you create events that recur, each one needs to be created, it would be much easier if there is an option for recurring events, similar to what Google Calendar has.
D6 Marks to parents
Good day When the grade 1 - 3 learners marks is received on the d6 app, the parents can only get the levels. They ask if it is possible that they can see their children's marks and not the level.
Hi Please would you look at making old calendar events disappear once the event has passed. It is really not ideal having the old event listed above upcoming and current events. Support suggested that I delete the old events, however, I do not believe
D6 Connect Alerts from the App
At present it is only possible to send an ALERT out from the web based D6+. This means that when staff are away with teams, and the return is delayed, there is no way for those staff to post an ALERT advising the parents of the delayed return. Is it possible
Notification of parents no registered on D6 Connect App
Hi, Instead of the notification stating number of parents not linked to the app, could this perhaps show number of families not linked. Currently we are sitting on about 660 unregistered parents, when in fact more than half of these are part of a family
Would it be possible that when staff members post articles under Resources, SMS, News items, Multi-platform communications, etc. that I, as the Superuser, receive an alert that an article has been loaded, rather than having to go to my tasks every so
D6 Communication
Would it be possible that when a parent sends a direct communication via their d6 app that we receive an alert that a message has come through, rather than having to go to my tasks every so often in the day to check if there are any messages.
Calendar Events
Hi Please would developers remove forcing Admin to enter times when creating calendar events. Schools often do not know the exact times of events until closer to the date and it is very annoying for the parents if the times are wrong ... and this will
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