Hoekom kan mens nie 'n debiteure faktuur skep op skool debiteure nie. Ek het HORDE ouers wat nooit aparte betalings maak vir bv fotos/ouma oupa dag/kuns/skryfbehoeftes/instappies. Hulle betaal net eenvoudigsaam met die skoolfonds 1 bedrag en laat weet
Debiteure notas
Goeie dag. Kan ons asb voorstel vir Debiteure notas op beide skool en naskool rekening voorstel asb. Ons skool stuur 2x rekenings (skool en naskool) apart vir ouers. Sodra ons notas maak verskyn dit net op die skool rekening. Ons sou graag wou hê dat
Adjustment of columns on statement
We are putting the full names in the preferred name space on learner information sheet. The reason is that we want the alphabetical order on the class list to be according to the full names, the same way as on SAMS. If it is not in the same order it poses
Projects - learner number
Can the learner number be shown next to the list of learners linked to a project. We have more than 1 "Riley Smith" for instance and then it is difficult for me to be certain who to allocate the amount to (cash payments for projects)
Report - debtor payments
Good day, Thank you very much for an awesome, user-friendly program. I really LOVE d6. I would like to know if you could develop a report that I can easily see, per month, how debtors have paid their accounts, i.e bank deposit/EFT, Debit orders, Sticitt,
automated monthly statements issued - debtors accounts
D6 users should have the functionality to automatically forward debtor control statements to parents with e-mail addresses on a specific day of the month on a recurring basis.
Hi I would like it if parents could have an Itemised choose in projects. So we could load the value and they can choose how many of the value they would like.
Additional Drop Down Option required when adding receipts in finance module
Please can you urgently add "Debit Order" as an additional drop down option when I am entering Carlyle College's Debtor Receipts. The Stratcol Debit Order receipts are manually captured by me because D6 and Investec don't have an automatic interface system
Begroting by Excel
Wil graag die verslag wat ek uit Excel druk 'n begrotingskolom hê, sal dit moontlik wees en kan julle dit dan vir my daar insit?
Combined Receipts-Cash and Card payments
Good Morning Yes please this is a huge issue. We have Parents paying R1000 card and R500 cash for example and then you have to do 2x receipts. Can the receipts not somehow be combined with that option to split or allocate on one slip?
Kwitansies gedeeltelik allokeer
Kontant wat ons ontvang word weer gebruik om byvoorbeeld die kleinkas aan te vul. Nou moet ek bv R750 in die kleinkas sit, maar daar is net een kwitansie uitgereik vir bv R800. Nou kan ek nie die deposito doen na die kleinkas nie, want ek kan nie net
Projek per Graad en geslag of Klas en geslag
Voeg asb geslag by saam met keuse van "graad of klas" bv vir bulletjie rugby - GrR-Gr3 en slegs seuns.
Fakture - Debiteure
Goeie more, Tans kan daar net fakture uitgemaak word vir ander debiteure. Is dit moontlik om ook vir gewone debiteure fakture uit te maak? My rede: sommige kleuters wat nie ingeskryf is as eetmaats nie eet dan by die skool of daar is 'n ouer boetie of
Finansies - betalings
Goeie dag, Vertrou dat dit goed gaan. Kan voorlopige betalings 2024 ook as 'n opsie gelaai word onder betalings/kwitansies? Betalings / kwitansies moet as krediet op die rekening lê. Bv. ek het 'n ouer wat se skoolfonds reeds vir die jaar betaal is, maar
Please create a function were a limit of payments can be added to projects like camps were only a certain amount of people can enter
I have an outdoor group and all my camps and daytrips can only take 13 children. I would really make more use of Sticitt for payments if my kids' parents can pay using Sticitt but the project closes the moment that 13 spots is paid for. I have about 90
Good day We need to split the user rights, so that our staff don't see the salaries on the Bank Recon. You have blocked them access to the balance and transactions on one account. Now they need full access to be able to process a journal to a GL account.
Minder kolomme of breër kolomme op die Projekte-blad by Sticitt sodat projekte maklik herkenbaar/identifiseerbaar is
Sien asseblief die meegaande voorbeeld van die probleem. Die tweede kolom op die Projekte-blad (Skep 'n projek-blad) is te kort/klein vir die titel van van die projekte. Kan die "Projek"-kolom asseblief breër of groter gemaak word sodat ons die projek
Bigger space for titles of Sticitt projects please
Is it possible to move the titles and badges of schools on the "reports" for Sticitt projects more to the left so that longer titles don't disappear on the righthand side of the report pages. Another idea is that the title section goes on in a second
Navrae na D6 vs Idees
Goeiedag, Kan ek 'n voorstel maak dat navrae aan D6 gerig wat nie opgelos kan word nie, outomaties as 'n idee na die ontwikkelaars gestuur word? Dalk kan die agent dit so voorstel en deurstuur? Baie dankie.
Other debtors reporting
Die reportering op die 'ander debiteure' werk nie reg nie. Ek trek een verslag vir die fin kom elke maand, die inkomste verslag vir kwitansies. Debiteure vir skoolfonds raporteer reg maar nie die ander debiteure nie. Dit trek dan die inligting verkeerd
Ouderdomsontleding per graad
Gee die opsie om ouderdomsontleding slegs per een graad te kan trek. Ons het nie altyd die hele ouderdomsontleding nodig nie.
Ouderdomsontleding gekoppel aan notas
Gee 'n opsie om ouderdomsontleding te trek met notas. Elke rekening se notas onder die rekening gemerk, maak dinge baie makliker om net vinnig 'n oorsig te hê oor rekeninge
Kwitansies Inlees
Ek lees gereeld kontant betalings in deur die kwitansie nommer "manually" in te lees met die opsie CASH. Van laas week af het die CASH opsie verdwyn en gee dit net die opsie vir CARD. As D6 asb na die sisteem kan kyk sal dit gaaf wees. My kwitansies lees
Projekte Meisies en seuns apart koppel
Is daar moontlikheid dat seuns en meisies ook apart gelaai kan word in klas of graad verband? EK wil vir Netbal projek skep maar wil net sekere grade koppel en net die meisies. Dieselfde geld dan ook vir bv Rugby waar net die seuns gekoppel moet word
Debtor journal reverse
Morning, On journals we can do a "Reverse Journal" but not on debtor journals. Can there please be a reverse journal on debtor journals too? Thank you and kind regards, Leana
Scanning of Receipts and Report
Would D6 consider a: Scanning and Saving Supplier/Vendor receipts Extracts the text from receipts Extracting data into a digital filing system (excel), automatically placing information, such as the supplier, date, price in categories Storing the images
As rekeningstate uitgestuur word, lees die boodskap op die voorblad dat die debiteurekode (familiekode) gebruik moet word as verwysings met betalings. Op die d6 App verskyn die familiekode nie, slegs die inskrywingsnommer – wat verwarrend is, want ouers
Goeie dag Ek wil hoor of D6 ons state vir Kabouterland en Laerskool Kanonkop kan verander sodat die aangesig beter vertoon as gevolg van die volgende redes: * Ek moet gekonsolideerde state uitstuur vir my ouers en nie aparte state nie. Op die gekonsolideerde
Debtors Age Analysis
Currently the Debtors Age Analysis does not include a column for the email address of the accountable person. When I export the Age to excel, I then have to export parent info and match up the data on the two spreadsheets to be able to run a mail merge
Indicate if someone is set-up for debit order
Good day Please is it possible to add an indication on the statement (1) and when the notice of the school fees are sent to the D6 comm app on the 1st of the month (2), to let the parents know that they are indeed signed up for debit order. So, for instance,
Finansiële Kwytskelding VERSLAE
Kan julle asb. die leerder se familiekode bysit as 'n mens die verslag trek? Dit is tydrowend om dit te soek en by te voeg. Maak nie sin nie! Dankie.
Kan daar nie gekyk word om die fakuurnommer en datum meer regs te skuif of die "font" kleiner te maak dat beskrywing nie deur ander velde loop.
More than One accountable Person
These days we are often faced with a problem when divorced parents each pay half the school fees. Is it at all possible to have an option for both parents to be responsible for fees and receive an invoice in their own name? Failing that even a "Notes"
Statement & Report Template Customization
Customer statements should be customizable as currently the total columns on the bottom of statement under ageing are not wide enough to display the full outstanding amount. The same issue with standard reports printing to PDF, the million rand digit
Kan daar nie gekyk word dat indien daar nog uitstaande bedrag van vorige jaar is, dat ouers dit op D6 kan betaal. Ondervind tans baie probleme met ouers wat fondse gelaai het op hul beursie om 2023 skulde te betaal maar opsies is nou nie meer beskik
Asset Recording Methods
Balmoral College asset register challenges. We changed our old asset register to be imported into D6 Assets. Our old system used item as a single entry and used Location as multiple columns that held the Quantities of the asset. It worked well as the
Stand-alone Financial contracts
We would like to hand out financial contracts this year for 2024. So we would like to use the existing information we have of the learners and their parents and add a financial contract/agreement at the back of it. The closest thing is the re-registrations
User / School have no customizable fields to edit according to their needs. EMAIL ADDRESS ON STATEMENT: The email address on the statement automatically changes to whomever is set up as financial manager. It would make more sense for the Debtors clerks
Goeie Dag. Ek wil graag 'n faktuur kan uitmaak op skool debiteure. Ons kry baie gevalle waar rekeninge in krediet is, dan wil die ouers die geld aanwend vir bv skryfebehoefte pakke. Wil dan net 'n faktuur maak i.p.v 'n joernaal. Aangesien dit baie keer
Types of Exemption
It would be nice to differentiate between Conditional Exemption, Full and Partial Exemption. We need to give feedback to the Department regarding amount of Conditional exemption, Partial Exemption and Full Exemptions given to learner. At the moment everything
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