An additional year is needed for payment arrangements. eg. 2025 is currently needed for payment arrangements that go over 12 months
Separate Debtors Accounts from Administrative side.
It's becoming a significant issue since it's impacting our database. It would be highly beneficial if we could separate the debtor accounts from the administrative side. Currently, we have parents who still owe fees even though their children have already
Business units
Please can you open an advance tab 2024 for schools that use more than one business unit
Oudste en enigste opsie, numeries opsie vir skool debiteure
Goeie môre, Ek hoop dit gaan goed. Ek wil graag weet, waar mens die seleksie doen by debiteure vir skoolgeld, Is daar geen opsie vir alfabeties, numeries en oudstes en enigstes. (veral oudste en enigste of self jongste en enigste) Veral oudstes en enigstes.
Financial Arrangement slot
To whom this may concern… I am not sure as to if you can assist me. I was wondering if there is not way to load more than one document up onto the Financial Arrangement slot. Example: At the moment I and other co-works are only able to upload one document
Printing of zero balance statements for left pupils
We still can't print 0 balance statements for learners that have left - I need to do a financial clearance on the learner and need to see how they paid there account?
Krediteure Fakture
Goeie dag Ons wil graag weet of daar 'n opsie is om by jou krediteure fakture by die hoeveelheid 'n komma te kan insit, bv 3.1 want dit is kilogram. Ons koop kos aan en sal graag wil beter rekord hou en die fakture word so uitgemaak per gewig. Groete
Goeiemôre. Kan julle GROOT asb die rekeningstate aanpas sodat dit makliker lees? Die ouers soek 'n straight forward staat. 2023 Skoolgeld: R28 930.00 Reeds betaal: R2 630.00 Uitstaande: R26 300.00 Mooi daggie en sterkte vir die res van die jaar!!
d6 Payments - Reporting
Please could the following report be made available for those who do not have the finance model: Download a report for a project, that shows: Learner, Learner's Grade, parent who has paid and amount paid. Thank you.
Project reports
Can the reports for projects, include the grade of the learner (for example 3A2), as well as the family code instead of the learners' number?
Accounts: when working on the learners that have left the school, you have to bring them back to current learners. One should be able to work on them without bringing them back. this makes so much more work. And when making them leavers again, the systen wont allow you to put in the actual date that they left
Balance column
I would like it if there is a balance column on the debtor ledger detail information page without me having to export out of d6 and add my own formula.
Syft Analytics
Good day, This will be a great reporting tool if it can be integrated into D6 finance. View their web page on Syft Analytics - Dashboards, Consolidations, Forecasts, Reports Thank you.
Asset Management
Hi - Is there a way that our Fixed assets register can be imported / exported to/from the D6 Assets Management tool?
Currently on Pastel we make use of a Stock program where the stock goes off automatically as it is being sold. Can D6+ do this. Thanks
Goeie dag Is dit moontlik om wanneer jy die begroting insleutel die rekening waarop jy reeds ingesleutel het, uit die lysie te haal van beskikbare rekeninge. Dan kan jy maklik sien wanneer jy 'n rekening gemis het om op te begroot. Groete Anelda
Tickets Generated on D6
Hi Is there any change you could make the Name of the Ticket Bigger and the amount smaller. It would be nice to see what the Ticket is for.
Ander Debiteure / Vooruitbetaling
Hi, is dit moontlik dat op "ander debiteure" ook 'n opsie geskep kan word vir fondse vooruit ontvang - huidiglik word krediet geallokeer op GL en kan die debiteur nie sy krediet balans op sy rekening sien nie.
Debit order reporting required - Amount captured on billing for debtor orders vs age analysis due
Good day, I please need to have a list of the amounts captured against the months as debit order values on the learner billing information. I need to check that the amounts captured, which will become the submitted debit order, are correct based on their
Ons wil graag ‘n voorstel maak, vir wanneer die stelsel nagegaan word en opgedateer word, of die volgende opsies nie ingesit kan word. * Dat ‘n QR-kode gegenereer kan word wat digitaal beskikbaar kan wees. * Dat ‘n persoon of ons as skool die verwysing
Additional Column information in Exel export of Payments and Receipts per period
Good Day Please could an additional column be included; listing the GL account selected in posting the Receipts / payments, when exporting a set of receipts /payments in a specific period in Excel. Currently the GL account does not reflect. Thanks
I would like to know if it is possible to change the way that the parents see their statement on the D6 App on their phones? If it is possible can we change it so that the parents see the remaining balance for the whole your as they always think the current
Rekeningstate e-pos
Goeie dag, Vertrou dat dit goed gaan. Ons skakel binnekort oor na D6 se finansiële afdeling. Graag wil ek hoor of dit moontlik is om die stelsel so te stel dat albei ouers die rekeningstate kan ontvang. Ons het ouers wat graag albei die state wil ontvang
Good morning I sent a sms for Debt Collecting last week Wednesday. I clicked 60 days and older and used the template message. Within 10 minutes, I had parents phoning and emailing me, shouting and saying that we are HIGHLY unprofessional. I then realized
Capture Notes General
Good day. It would be great if there was a "Notes" tab for example next to the Accountable person tab where you can capture notes. I.e. if you phoned a parent or sent specific correspondence to capture a note for yourself. The challenge will be that it
Afslag op skoolfonds
Ons het maandeliks afslag wat ouers kan kry indien hulle op tyd betaal. Dit sal soveel makliker wees as die afslag direk op die kind se betaling gelink kan word. Nou moet jy in die bank die kind soek betaling match en dan weer op 'n nuwe tab in die kind
Processing dates
Good day It would be great if the system can request a date confirmation before the processing of transactions as it would assist with the avoidance of unnecessary errors. Magda
Other Debtors Analysis
Other debtors - analysis See the following: Finance > reports > Debtor analysis. The option does not exist to analyze 'other debtors' in the same way as school debtors. Can we please have this made available. The normal age analysis report for the other
Debtor Notes - Payment arrangement
Good day It will be very helpful if a payment arrangement note / recurring promise to pay note can be added to the current list of options. It is very time consuming to capture every family's payment promise every month. Kind regards Magda
Begroting per lyn / Budget per item
Ons wil graag die fyner detail van die begroting kan druk, of vir die begrotingshoof toegang kan gee om dit te sien. Daar word byvoorbeeld begroot vir funksies en toerusting, maar al wat die begrotingshoof sien, is die totaal wat begroot is. We want the
Staat vir oorhandigde rekeninge
Is daar manier om die staat vir leerder vir die jaar te druk sonder openingsbalanse. Spesifiek die staat vir die oorhandigde rekeninge. Dit is vir die prokureurs - hulle hanteer elke jaar as aparte geval. Die Landros verstaan nie as daar openingsbalanse
Goeie dag Is dit moontlik dat die ontwikkelaar vir ons die opsie kan gee om 'n watermerk "Rekening agterstallig" of "Account overdue" op rekeningstate te kan sit? Om die watermerk te sien sal ouers nog meer motiveer om te betaal, omdat die generasie deesdae
Elektroniese Bestelnommer- Purchase order
Die proses vir betalings by die skool vereis dat daar 'n bestelnommer aan verskaffers gegee moet word. Op die oomblik word bestellings met die hand in 'n bestelboek uitgeskryf en die nommer dan aan verskaffers gegee. Voorstel - Wanneer mens 'n krediteur
We have an administrator that is unable to receipt directly against a project without having access to the full finance function. This is a huge risk with confidential information being readily available. The answer from support that she will be able
Good day We would like to make a suggestion to the exemptions on D6. * Being able to generate an exemption application form on D6 directly to the parents with account code on and application code on the documents. - see example attached * Being able to
Sending one category of Debtor Statements only
I know we can separate debtor statements per grouping category, but the statements still go out for all the categories - the statements are just separated per category. Is it not possible to create the option to send out just one category of debtor statements?
Can an option be made on D6 where we can send letters that are already saved as templates on the program to parents? e.g. * click on the parent/child's name * click on "send document" * chose which document to send (e.g. acceptance letter, subject choice,
Bank reconciliation
Is it possible to reconcile the bank account several times during the month? I would also like to be able to reconcile the bank account even though all transactions do not reconcile. Let the unreconciled transactions carry over to the next bank recon
Trial Balance in Excel and not PDF
Is there a reason why most reports can be exported into Excel worksheet but not the Trial Balance? I need this a lot but it is very time consuming to retype everything into Excel format. I need this for monthly management reports and the auditors also
You should be able to just print a staff list of paid - there is no option for this
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