Breakdown of Payments posted
Hi, Please develop a report that can show how multiple payments received for an account was allocated/posted to which billing. We must be able to call up different months instead of opening up each receipt to see how it was allocated to the account.
Outstanding balances excluding accounts on debit order
Hi , Please develop a report that lists accounts with outstanding balances but shows those accounts that are on a debit order. This will assist us to exclude those accounts from receiving a Demand Letter as their debit order has still not gone off their
VIEW Debtor Account
when looking up a child and clicking on the "statement" tab, instead of having to go through all the tabs for a STATEMENT, it should just give you a view of a "ledger style" layout. If there is aftercare, to do 2 separate views and print straight from
add FAVOURITE LAYOUT for viewing statements
add FAVOURITE LAYOUT for viewing statements to your desktop so that you don't have to go and tick/untick all the boxes every time
zero statements
Please add tick box for PRINT YES/NO zero statements 30 days and older
Terugbetalings aan debiteure skool en ander
Dit gebeur dat kinders wat se skoolgeld vir die jaar vooruitbetaal is en die skool gedurende die jaar verlaat aan hulle terugbetaal moet word. Die betalings opsie laat nie toe dat 'n betaling vanaf die bank direk na 'n debiteur te boek gestel word nie.
Deposito betalings aan krediteure
Dit gebeur dat 'n kwotasie vanaf 'n verskaffer goed gekeur word en dan moet 'n deposito betaling plaasvind en dan is daar nog nie 'n faktuur uitgemaak nie, aangesien die faktuur uitgemaak word op die afhandeling van die werk. Die deposito kan dan nie
Creditors - Quantity Entry suggestion
Is it possible to allow for decimal points in the quantity column when capturing invoices. For instances if we are charged for repairs that are at an hourly rate, the invoice will say 1.5 hours @ R 800.00/per hour. The system does not allow you to enter
D6 Sticitt - Projek betalings
Wanneer daar projekte gelaai word wat ouer kan kies of hulle wil betaal of nie kan daar nie verwerp knoppie wees wat hul kan druk as hulle nie wil deelneem aan projek
Skool debiteure
Sal graag die opsie wil hê om skool debiteure fakture uit te maak vir ander items behalwe skoolfonds. Kry baie die versoek dat ons kostes vir hul moet aandui op staat. Ondervind dat hulle projekte nie altyd onder aan staat sien en dan word betalings
School Fee Statements
Current Setting on Statement The name of the learner is currently appearing on the right and parents name appears on the left. We would like to know if it can be changed so that the Learners name appears on the left and parents name and details
Pro Forma Invoice
Good day The DMV (The Military Veteran fund ) has requested Pro Forma Invoices from us. Regards Sarienne
Kan u 'n link in sit tussen die krediteure rekeninge en die verskaffer op die fakture en kredietnotas om tussen die twee kan beweeg asb dit kan die navraag proses op die fakture kan vergemaklik. Krediteure Rekeninge Fakture
Is dit nie dalk moontlik dat kredietnota aan faktuur gekoppel kan word. Op oomblik wys faktuur dan net gepos en nie betaal. Wys net op staat dat faktuur dan gekrediteer is.
Alphabetical Search Option
Please could you advise whether the option to search by learner surname can be added to the debtors functions. More and more of our families have multiple surnames which makes finding a learner account by debtor reference a challenge. ie - Finances /
· Kan dit nie moontlik gemaak word dat ’n spesifieke onderwyser toegang kry om slegs spesifieke projekte se verslae (nie almal soos dit tans is nie) te besigtig nie. · Bv. met die rugbytoere wat in die vakansie plaasvind en ouers wat op
Indien moontlik die opsie om 'n whatsapp vir die ouers te stuur i.p.v. 'n sms vir opvolg op uitstaande debiteure. Baie ouers lees nie meer SMS'e nie. Sal hierdie moontlik wees?
Debiteur notas / reëlings & betalingsreëlings
Om die 'n opsie by die ouderdomsontleding by te voeg waar jy kan kies om ouer betalings reëlings/notas ens kan besigtig. Wanneer jy die debiteure ouerdoms ontleding trek jy dan die keuse het om die notas te besigtig. Dit sal die opvolg werk baie makliker
Projek bedrag
Ek sal graag vir elke leerling sy eie bedrag wil kan gee in sommige gevalle
· Kan jul nie ’n opsie byvoeg van “geslag” indien grade/leerders geselekteer moet word by die skep van ’n projek nie? · By ons is tans 'n projek "Bulletjierugby" vir gr.R tot 2 leerders. Hierdie grade word aan die projek gekoppel en die
Kan jul asb n geslag opsie byvoeg, by die skep van projekte. Dit gebeur heel dikwels dat ons n projek moet skep vir byvoorbeeld seuns rugbybroeke, en dan wil ons nie al die leerders se name oorgooi nie, maar slegs die seuns sin. Ons sal dit baie waardeer
Printing of zero balance statements for left pupils
Hi We often need a statement of a child who has left and has a zero balance - sometimes for the high school to show all fees have been paid and sometimes when a parent has been written off and wants to have the judgement rescinded Thanks Colleen
View Emailed Statements & Attachments
Would like to be able to view e'mailed statements with attachments. Will therefore have proof if wanting to attach a Final Demand or any warnings of non payment. Then when parents say they never received the warning, we can show they did.
Accounts statement both parents show
See below request from Collect-4-U. I didn?t notice only one parent on the statements before. You should have both parents names on the statement because they are both liable, however, Somerset West Magistrate Court has not queried this so far. Perhaps
Description on Debtors Statements
When an exemption or discount is processed, the description on the customer's statement is "school fee invoice" Would it be possible for D6 to change the description to "School fee exemption" and "Discount on fees paid in full" The description is a bit
Dates Debtor's Statement
Is it possible to change the dates on the billing, so that an exemption can be dated on the date that it was approved and not just the 1st of the month and also for the discount journal to appear on the 28 Feb (which is the cut off date for discount)
Filter op depositos
Kan ons nie 'n filter op die deposito kry by finansies nie, ons is twee skole wat albei op D6 is (Laerskool Kanonkop en Kabouterland kleuterskool) en moet bank na twee verskillende bank rekeninge. As daar dalk 'n filter kan op wees om die skole se bedrae
Hi, Ek wil weet of dit moontlik is dat julle 'n plan kan maak sodat ek "ingeskryfde leerders" aan 'n projek kan koppel. Ek verduidelik graag hoekom, ek het nou al die nuwe gr8 leerder vroegtyd op ons stelsel gelaai sodat ek hulle kan koppel aan 'n projek,
Make it default for both parents to receive statement
When adding a new parent to the D6 system, default is that neither parent receives the statement. After capturing the family's details we have to enter the child's record and tick both parents to receive the statement. This is tedious. Most often, both
Both Parents Accountable for School Fees
Hi there, according to the South African Schools Act, both parents are liable for school fees, even if there is an agreement between them or if it says so in a divorce agreement . It would be ideal to have an option where both parents can be made accountable
Other debtors - reporting
We make use of the 'other debtors' function. It would be great to have a 'other debtors' debtors analysis report. We create different sets of debtors for specific reasons (that cannot be accommodated in the projects section) and we need the reporting
Debtor Statements
Can we please ask that a couple of changes to be made to the “look” of this statement? Posbus / P O Box 90 Please move this address column a little bit to left so that my email address is not attached to the name “Account type” Please add a 0 in front
1. Kan jul asb 'n verslag vir krediteure doen sodat dit geprint kan word met die uitstaande fakture op en nie net ouderdomsverslag. 2. Kan jul asb 'n korting lyn item by krediteure insit sodat mens dit op die faktuur self kan aandui en nie heeltyd hoef
Alfabet projekte
Kan die name van die kinders wat jy selekteer vir 'n projek alfabeties wees ongeag of dit met 'n hoofletter of kleinletter begin asb.
Other Debtor Receipts
It would also be helpful if the Other Debtors had the option to allocate the payment to Account/Projects as with the School Debtors.
Other Debtors Receipts
It would be very helpful if it was possible to have an " In advance Payment" option on the Other Debtors, in other words allowing credit balances on these accounts. We use the other debtors for rental income and most of the tenants pay there accounts
Kan daar nie "tab" by projekte kom waar jy leêr kan aanheg met inligting oor projek dat ouers daar kan sien waaroor projek gaan
Narration on debtors statement for Exemptions
Good Day Please could you amend the wording once an exemption or discount is allocated to the Debtor Statement. We are passing exemptions, and note the description on the statement reflects "School Fee Invoice". Thank You
Ons sal graag n limiet op projekte wil sit. Bv ons het slegs 30 swempette. Sodra al 30 deur die D6Toep verkoop is moet die projek vanself sluit, sodat ons nie meer verkoop as wat ons voorraad het nie.
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