Due Dates for monthly payments, with D6 app reminders
Please could a line be placed next to each billing line, with a due date for each? Eg: Jan Fees - Due Date 31.01.2025 In this way, if this line billing has not been cleared by the due date, a pop up reminder can be on the D6 app screen for the account
Bulk SMS for arrear debtors
Good Day The current SMS system calls in the balance including the current period, even though the Age Analysis selection is for the past period amounts due. This creates confusion of arrears amount. Eg: If Jan arrears is R100, Feb arrears is R100, and
Elektroniese Bestelnommer- Purchase order
Die proses vir betalings by die skool vereis dat daar 'n bestelnommer aan verskaffers gegee moet word. Op die oomblik word bestellings met die hand in 'n bestelboek uitgeskryf en die nommer dan aan verskaffers gegee. Voorstel - Wanneer mens 'n krediteur
Finance loading not segrigated sufficiently
on the finance it is not possible to effectively split roles as the option to load from the bank cannot be given to a person without giving them tons of extra access. it is a simple fix. just make the button available without the full finance access.
Debtors Search
I would like to have a search option under Debtors, that allows you to search using the Learner's name as an option. all searches uses the Parent code and the parent surname. This poses a challenge when you are trying to link that with a particular learner
Project Report
I would like to have a report per project, that include the balance owing of the learner participating in the project as well as the family code. The current report available just need a few columns added. PROJEK KONTROLE - ALLE TRANSAKSIES VIR PROJEK
Urgent Request for "PROJECT" Field into Sticitt Cashless Report
The Finance Department currently uses the following report: Reports > Cashbook Report > Sticitt Cashless Our auditors have requested that the Finance Department include the existing "Project" field from: Finance > Projects Incorporating this field into
Exemption List
Good day, is there a way to add a family code column to the exemption list under reports?
Change wording on statement
The parents started to use the invoice number (REF) as indicated in the column header as a reference number and says they did not see the Account reference above the parent detail. I just want to find out if it is possible to change the wording REF in
Projekte: Vakgroep
Goeiemore Wou vandag vir verbruikerstudie 'n projek skep vir betaling van Kokshoede en Voorskote Projekte laat sleg toe dat ek leerders, registerklas of graadgroep kies, Kan jul asseblief ook vakgroepe byvoeg
Modification of billing details after invoices have been issued.
Im reaching out to inquire about a potential feature enhancement that would allow us to block the editing of invoices after they have been posted to parents. This feature is crucial for us to maintain the integrity of our financial records and prevent
Projekte - Uitstaande
Kan daar nie dalk 'n opsie geskep word by projekte waar epos of sms gestuur kan word aan ouers om hul in kennis te stel dat fondse nog nie betaal is.
Bestelnommers - Krediteure
Wanneer 'n krediteure faktuur ingevoer word, moet daar plek wees vir die bestelnommer soos goedgekeur deur die Finansiele Komitee.
FLAG Arrears Accoutns
Is there a way that the developers could flag a debtor's account that has not had any credit transactions in say 90 days? List them under Tasks?
Naskool - Notas
By ons skool doen ons skool rekening asook naskool rekening. Het egter naskool debiteure nota nodig vir notas afsonderlik op naskool. Tans moet ons gekonsolideerde staat druk en dit maak die naskool ouers deurmekaar en dit is net om notas te kan sien,
App - eenmalige skoolgeld heffing vir die skooljaar
Die skoolgeld word eenmalig vir die skooljaar gehef en nie meer maandeliks soos vroeër jare nie. Die ouers kan nie met die app die skoolgeld af betaal in verskillende bedrae nie, die app vereis die betaling van die volle skoolgeld se bedrag vir die jaar.
Goeie dag Ek wil graag vra of jul dalk die skool se bank swift code ook by die bankbesonderhede kan voeg. Ons het heelwat ouers wat vanaf die buiteland skoolgelde oorbetaal. Wouwtjie groete Petro
Sportbeurs/Ontwikkelingsbeurs Opsie
Dit sal so baie behulpsaam wees om langs die Afslag en Vrystellings-opsie, 'n kolom te sit wat die opsie gee om die afslag bedrag te kan laai van 'n sport/ontwikkelingsbeurs. Wat dan op sy eie rekening kan gaan lê. Dit sal die werk so baie vergemakl
Annual Budgets/Forecasting
Good Morning, Is it possible to copy a version of the approved final budget and make changes as the year progresses to be used as a comparative forecast in reports without it affecting the budget on the GL accounts display? It just makes sense to be able
Sal dit dalk moontlik wees om asb 'n "advance payment" funksie vir ander debiteure te skep soos op die leerders se rekeninge? Dit skep 'n probleem as hulle vooruitbetalings doen. Die volgende is die probleem waarmee ek sit: Eerste opsie volgens d6: Indien
Creditors - Import to BI
We are currently making use of a system where invoice can be uploaded, with bank details,amount and payment allocation (expense account) the we have 2 approvers to approve. After both was approved we have an export which we can do an import into ABSA
Sms or email notification after payment
Is it possible to get notifications sent to parents for payments received? eg the one you get when you do a cash in at bank?. Such that when a parent made a payment just after receipting they receive a notification? either on sms or email ?
Good day, Could you kindly look at adding the ability of tracking VAT on your accounting system? In effect, your system does everything that full accounting packages can do, with the exception of producing VAT reports on input and output VAT. Legally,
Bulk Processing
Have a few notifications that needs action. To action all these one by one will take a lot of time. To be have an option to select all and action all will be very helpful.
Nuwe d6 Toep Terugvoering
Good Morning d6 Team, Please see the feedback below from Durbanville Primary. :) Gedeeltelike betalings wat ons graag op projekte wil doen en nie meer kan nie. Ons wil nie “oop” projekte stig nie, maar die ouers die opsie gee om oor 2 maande te kan betaal.
Please add debtor code next to learner name on app for Parent Portal --> Finances
Good day, Please display the debtor code on the app under the Parent Portal --> Finances when looking at the specific child. Currently only the Child's name appear in the dropdown and not the name + debtor code. The parent can view the Account Statement,
Message/notification from D6 to parent when the learner pays cash at the school
A notification to be sent to the parents when a payment is made by the school. For example: the parents send R70 for the 'Fun day' with the learner, the learner gives it to his class teacher, the teacher then writes it into a 'money book' and send it
Is dit moontlik om die familiekode ook op die vrystellingsverslag te druk?
d6 Sticitt projekte - voltooide betalings
Op die vorige d6 stelsel, het Sticitt projekte "weggeval" / nie langer op die d6 toep verskyn nie, sodra ouers die volle bedrag betaal het. Huidiglik bly Sticitt projekte steeds op die stelsel, selfs al het ouers die volle bedrag betaal. Die gevolg is,
d6 Sticitt projekte - afbetaling
Ons ervaar tans heelwat uitdagings, rakende projekte wat per Sticitt betaal moet word en het die volgende dringende navrae: Waarom verskyn projekte, met vaste bedrae, steeds op die toep selfs nadat die nodige betalings gedoen is? In die verlede het die
Ek het vanoggend n versoek vir so gou moontlik. Ons skool het 'n borg wat van volgende jaar 75 atlete borg. Hulle betaal die kinders se skool- en losiesgeld kwartaaliks. Hier is die proses soos dit tans werk: - Eenmaal n kwartaal stuur ek n faktuur aan
Herallokasie van betalings
Herallokasie opsie om betalings te herallokeer tussen 'n familiekode se huidige jaar rekening en invorderaars rekening
Met die uitfasering van gedrukte dagboeke wil ek graag voorstel dat d6 n tipe van kalender implemeteer. Amper soos wat MY TASKS my maandeliks van my debietorders herinner. Ek wil graag my eie REMINDERS kan invul om my van sekere ander finansiële take
Budget - Option to input school fee income by month
Good day, Some of our fees are billed from February to December. Can the budget be adjusted to accommodate this? Currently, we only have the option to insert the number of learners, the fee, number of months and the system automatically allocates the
TASKS - Flag debtor with no pmnt movement
Is there a way we could get a task pop p to follow up on account on which there hasn't been any payments received for 90 days/
order nommers vir aankope by krediteure
Graag rig ek 'n versoek of D6 'n funksie kan byvoeg waar ek 'n order nommer kan genereer en sodoende aan personeel kan gee voordat hulle kan aankoop by krediteure. Dit help met sekuriteit en kontrole oor wie, waar en wanneer aankoop.
Cashup linking to swiping machine
When the parents pay with swiping machine, the payment must be going DIRECT TO THE D6 SYSTEM, so that the Finance officer can do only the cash-up - comparing the receipts from the swiping machine with the printout of D6 showing the swipe transactions
Hello I hope that you are well. It would be most helpful if we could have a report with all our learners whose fees are paid by debit order in a separate list with outstanding balances as at specific dates. When new children start at our school, they
Dit sal wonderlik wees as d6 'n dagboek sisteem kan opstel vir die Debiteure. Ja daar is die opsie om reelings te plaas en te dagboek. My voorstel gaan soos volg wees: Wanneer jy die rekeningpligte inlees, moet jy soos betaaldatum inlees. BV die 25ste
Krediteure REKENINGE Tab
1. Ek versoek asseblief om 'n verslag te kan trek van die lys van Krediteure met aal details, m.a.w. adres details ook. Dit is om van die byna 1000 verskaffers te kan sien, wie local is en wie uitstedig is. Bemarkingsdoeleindes. 2. Dit sal goed wees as
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