Extra option to select "Both Parents" under Accountable Person
Hi all. Some of our parents are annoyed by the fact that only one name appears on their account statement if it's both of the parents responsible for paying the school fees. They feel like the name appearing on the statement is then the only one liable for payment and that the other parent doesn't have to be held accountable. I suggest that you add "Both Parents" as an extra option under "Accountable Person" and then just pull through both parents' names for the account (i.e. Mr L.T. & Mrs B. Smith).
Goeie middag Kan die leerder rekeninge asseblief beskikbaar bly om betalings na rekeninge te allokeer waar leerders die skool verlaat het? Vriendelike groete
Cash as default option on receipts
At the moment all receipts default to payment type "cheque". as so few cheques are now used could the default please become Cash.
Debtor Statement
epos van ouer moet op die staat verskyn waar die telefoon nommer is
Domicillium address
Invorderaars en prokureurs versoek dat ons asb wysigings aan ons registrasie/herregistrasie vorm moet aanbring om eposadres as domicilium te gebruik. Dit word dringend vir hofsake benodig en kan nie gebruik word as nie so deur ouers gekies is nie. Sien "attachment" aangeheg.
We would like to extract a report which shows school fees collected per grade and % difference to the budget cost. The current one is summarized
Finansies - Oorhandigde rekeninge
Ons benodig die opsie om steeds regskostes te kan hef al is die leerder verlaat.
Please split the user rights for Debtor invoices, notes, debit orders and banking details: We would like to be able to have people capture notes but not fiddle with the debtors invoicing. Also if you can consider making the bank recon separate as well. Currently only people who have FULL FINANCE access can use the bank recon.
I would like to suggest if we can, that because off a school with this size, is our debtors are allot of pages long at the end of the month all the accounts get debited we send out our statements. We would like to request that there can be a system where if you are behind on your school fees for a few months and have not paid by the 7th that there is a place that can automatically identify those parents and that a sms can be sent to them as a reminder. We think this will be beneficial to all school's.
Age Analysis Consolidation
Of main concern is the problem that financial staff members and parents experience with the set-up of Collector accounts on d6. Parents and staff alike find it difficult to understand the separation of accounts. Furthermore, d6 does not assist when it comes to receipting payments to either the current Debtor account, or the Collector account. Therefore, payments are not receipted to the oldest debt in the Collector accounts, instead the payment goes to current debt. This is incorrect. Statements
Calculation of marks on Assessment level, e.g. Oral marks (paper 1 or paper 4 of exams, depending on grade).
For Home Language and First Additional Language, the oral paper of the exam (June and November) is calculated from orals assessed in Terms 1, 2 and 3. As we can't calculate an assessment in d6+, we have manually calculate and enter marks. This can lead
Debiteure state
1. 1. Albei biologiese ouers se inligting moet op die skoolfonds staat verskyn. Ek moet elke keer as ek oorhandig die pdf trek, convert na word en dan per hand die verandering doen. Die howe is baie streng en gooi ons sake uit as die dokumentasie nie reg is nie. Die proses wat ek nou volg is baie tydrowend.
Trial Balance
Please add an opening balance column on the TB. Also, the TB needs to have actual fees receipted/ collected, not total invoiced amount, as this inflates the figures on the income statement!