Achievements linked to code of conduct

Achievements linked to code of conduct

I would like to see Achievements linked to code of conduct.
We use the code of conduct extensively. At the end of every term, learners are rewarded with merits for achieving a level 5, 6 and 7 in their subjects. Currently to allocate these merits I am having to go to "Reports", "Learners", "Mark Statistics", choose "year", "scale", "detail", "term" then choose each grade individually from 8 through to 12. I then download each grade report in PDF. I then have to convert from PDF to excel, then save.
From excel I have to then add the formula "=COUNTIF(range:range,"5") to the end column of the spreadsheet. I then drag the formula down to the last name of that grade. I then have to repeat this formula for level "6" and then again for level "7".
I then repeat the above steps for each grade. I have to make sure that all this is done per grade and per register class in order to capture.
The problem is from grade 10 to 12, the PDF converter, doesn't always work correctly.

To then allocate the learners their merits, I have to go "My School", "Learners", "Discipline", "add", then choose grade and register class and then go to that class and allocate per learner how many level 5's the child obtained for the term, then for level 6 and again for level 7.
To allocate this way, per level, per grade, per child is time consuming. It takes me a good 3 hours per grade as each grade has 8 register classes.

I would like the system to allocate these automatically in achievements as you can with certificates. In the initial setup, they changed something for me in the "lates" to automatically allocate late learners with "-2" demerits on their code of conduct.. The same concept would be fantastic for Level Merits.
Hope I have explained myself, if not please give me a shout to explain better.

Thank you