Application for Admissison

Application for Admissison

Good day


I’m from Monument Primary school, in Ladysmith KZN.

We would like you to help us makes the following changes to the application for admission.


Learner information.

Preferred name (Not Nickname):

Dexterity (Right or Left Hand):


Please could you add under Learner information.

Media Consent: Yes No

Educational disability: Yes No


Please could you remove these options

Do you want to apply for hostel residence:

Name of hostel:


Please could you add under the method of transport.

Distance from school km’s:


Please could you add under the family information an option that says Married


Please could you add the following options under the Biological parent/ legal guardian information:

Marital status

Ethnic group



Please could you add Occupation status under accountable person’s information.


Thank you for your help.


Kind regards