Automatic allocation of levels per learner per subject to code of conduct

Automatic allocation of levels per learner per subject to code of conduct

Good day
Please may we request looking at this functionality within D6.  When we were on Pencil Box it was a quick selection process and levels were automatically allocated onto code of conduct.
What we would like to see happen is to be able to allocate recognition merits to all learners who received a certain amount of level 5's per subject. Then level 6's per subject and then level 7's per subject throughout the grades.
Currently we are having to run a scale report per grade which is only available in PDF, then convert it to excel, then add countif formulas for level 5, 6 and 7 that a learner achieved, then get a person to go into Discipline and allocate each class that qualify for the merits per number of levels. We have over 1500 learners.  This process takes 3 capturers 14 hours to allocate to the whole school, yet Pencil Box took 20 minutes with one person.

Currently we have whereabouts linked to Discipline. So if I mark a learner as late, an automatic allocation is seen as -2 on code of conduct. No capturing is required.  We have 3 options in late allocation to demerits:
Late but excused (no demerits)
Late for school = -2
Late for an exam = -5

Can the same concept of behind the scenes linking not occur for automatic allocation of levels 5,6 and 7?
Thank you