Debit order reporting required - Amount captured on billing for debtor orders vs age analysis due

Debit order reporting required - Amount captured on billing for debtor orders vs age analysis due

Good day, 

I please need to have a list of the amounts captured against the months as debit order values on the learner billing information. I need to check that the amounts captured, which will become the submitted debit order, are correct based on their debit order and in line with the age analysis of the debtor account. 

The reason why this is crucial is because some parents pay extra per month via debit order, make additional EFT payments, transfer funds to projects, debit orders returned and aren't caught up, etc. and it is therefor important to compare the amounts loaded as debit order value vs the age analysis of the debtor.

I cannot perform this manually on screen to check as there is too many learners and it will be extremely time consuming. Almost all our fees are paid via debit orders. Currently there is no way of even pulling an Excel report of the values captured as debit order values on the billing of a learner. As a start, this must please be available in Excel and a report please.

Secondly, as the amount of learners that pay via debit order are too many (almost all our parents make us of debit orders) and this is not a once of thing, but continuous management of debtors, it is reporting that is really needed. I must be able to compare the debit order values loaded against the age analysis of the learner/debtor. This is not something that happens as a once off but throughout and a must do check before submitting the monthly debit orders. This data needs to be available in Excel and in a report please.

We started using the StratCol / d6 integration for the debit orders since August 2023 which is working perfectly, but there is definitely a need for reporting on the debit orders please. 

If you need more information on this, please get in contact with me.

Thank you and kind regards,
Leana Viljoen