Discipline function for Staff

Discipline function for Staff

Hi D6 Team and users.

I would like to pitch the idea of adding a discipline function for staff.
This could be modeled on the same principles of the learner demerit system.

School management can load incidents and discipline issues for staff members without needing a separate HR system which is complicated to use.

Eg. Teacher A misses a submission deadline 
Management disciplines the teacher and adds it as a category offence and allocate the apprpriate demerits, schools can have a policy on when demerits result in a warning etc.

Ultimately if the teacher is doing all they can for the kids durning the school day they could even be issued with merits.
This can be used for incentives or bonuses.

These stats can be shared with parents , SGBs etc.
Eg . Teacher X has won teacher of the year as she has achieved...

I hope the idea can be created and put into use.

Thank you for striving to improve the running of schools in SA.