Fixed subject groups or subject group templates

Fixed subject groups or subject group templates

Our grade 8 and 9 classes are fixed. Meaning the same 25 learners are for example in 8V (which is different from the register classes) and they have all their subjects together.

I would like to be able to form a group 8V, 8W, etc. with learners and then at subject groups under Afrikaans just select them.

At the moment I am creating 11 different 8V groups. One for Afrikaans, one for English, etc. and then I have to allocate them manually 11 times even though the learners are exactly the same.

I am not just concerned about the time spent allocating learners, I am afraid of errors during the year. If a learner moves from 8V to 8W then I have to move them 11 times instead of just moving them from one group to another.

Please see if you can add this function. I would really appreciate it.