Grann field where learner stays on learner page

Grann field where learner stays on learner page

It would be very helpful if there could be a field on the learner page to indicate what the learner's physical address is, AS IT IS JUST ASSUMED THAT LEARNER STAYS with parent 1 and/or 2. BUT, this is not the case in a lot of our learner's situations. They stay with Granny, while parent 1 and parent 2 is already loaded as the Bio Parents who are responsible for the finances. There are two options currently to get a granny on the profile which is at next of kin and add another parent. None of these are helpful as "add another parent does not pull through on the learner profile because there are 2 parents already (looks like it can take 3 parents on that screen). Next of kin  IS ON THE LEARNER PAGE BUT also does not indicate clearly that this is where the learner stays. i have uploaded our application form that has this field in, maybe you can see the significance in this information being very important. Thank you