1. Editing Messages:
Why we need it:
- Sometimes small spelling or grammar mistakes are made on a message that are only identified once the message goes out.
- Parents get spammed with annoying notifications and duplicate information when we have to delete a message due to spelling mistake and resend it.
- The message has to be retyped from scratch, which can be time consuming especially if it is a long message that was only drafted in D6.
- As a small school each department is responsible for sending out their own messages and we do not have the man power to have one person to spell check each message before going out.
2. Viewing the Content of a Sent Message:
Why we need it:
- We need to refer back to previous messages to check if the information sent was correct.
- We need to refer back to previous messages to copy information from them.
3. Scheduling Messages:
Why we need it:
- Messages sometimes need to go out during the school holidays and it would be ideal to schedule them before the school closes
- We sometimes have series of messages/adverts that need to go out on set dates before an event and it would be more efficient to schedule these in advance, as the people posting may forget to do so or get caught up with other work.