Learners who must not be imported into SAMS

Learners who must not be imported into SAMS

We have a few junior school hostel only learners, who we do not import into SAMS, as they are not in the high school. We found out about this functionality yesterday (thank you, Tommie). Could you build in a reminder at the end of the year or for the beginning of next year, to remind our school to untick these learners to export for next year.


An option under the status that can be selected to identify or list learners that will not export to SA-SAMS would be very helpful.


For example, something simple on the "My School > Learners > Learners" screen could inform the school:

Maybe a button at the top saying “learners not exported to SAMS” or something like that.

Or when you do an export, there  is a warning that there are learners who will not export to SAMS.