Lock marks on a different level

Lock marks on a different level

Dear developers,

We would like to be able to lock marks on a different level during the term to avoid teachers from changing worksheet and test marks towards the end of the term to "make the report mark look better" at the end of the term.

We would also like to be able to enter dates next to the test and assessments on the D6 with a marks entered deadline date as well on these different levels where they can then be locked automatically after the deadline date, or manually locked/unlocked by the Administrator, after permission has been given by management. 


Some teachers amend marks or never enter the marks until shortly before the reports get printed.

We would like to get a better overview via a D6 report of the student's progress during the term before it is too late and be able to give feedback to parents during progress meetings with this D6 report.

With the dates for marks entered deadline, we would also like to control how long the teachers take to mark the work as this has a huge impact on the student, parent and management's ability to see if the students understood a topic well before they move on to the next topic.