Mark, comments and Academic reports

Mark, comments and Academic reports

We have a number of suggestions and requests for consideration as additions to the system

  1. May we have QR codes integrated into the system as part of the student and staff ID cards this will help us design and produce ID cards that can be used widely.
  2. On the academic report cards may we have the register teacher's signature in the same way we have the principals’ signature.
  3. When producing the subject averages, the current averages are grade averages, may we have subject averages per subject class as an option as well instead of just the grade average.
  4. May we also have extracurricular activities comments on the report structure e.g. sports and clubs.
  5. For marks and comments, the current steps to input (marks and comments) ise very long and difficult to use, we often have problems when training teachers on how to enter marks and comments. May we have a structure that allows the teachers to enter both the marks and comments in one place.  This also includes the Principals comments.
  6. May we have a word count to guide the teachers on how long the comments can be as they enter subject comments.
  7. On the principal comments may theses be entered through the academic report allowing to view and comment on the report directly.
  8. May we please have the editing rights to set up different school terms. Of late we have had terms that are not fixed. This allows us to define the school terms as per our school calendar.
  9. We have two types of reports. We have what we call mark orders and full report. The mark order does not have either principal or subject teachers’ comments. It consists of marks that the students will have averagely attained throughout the term building up to the end of year. It gives us six marks in total for the year. Each term we have mid and end of term marks. These are then put on one report at the end of year.

A full report has subject, sports and club comments. These are produced twice a     year, that mid-year and end of the year and they are separate reports.

10.  For the Full Academic report is it possible to have it as a booklet, we have noticed that it overlaps onto the next page and end up with a meaningless second page especially when it’s just the register teacher and principals comment signature

11.  Our school has a Junior and a Senior school with two different heads. We do have a principal but she does not sign or appear on the academic reports. May we have an allowance to select which head should be on the report, currently the system only allows for one name. We would like to have both schools use the same system for academic school reporting

12.  We often have to print or manipulate student marks e.g. per class of form grade, may we have these exported to excel. I do know we have the Marks Statistics may these be exportable to excel.