Online Registration

Online Registration

1.  When the documents get sent to the parents to sign the debit order authorization is not attached, can we please attach it?

2.  d6 allows us to print the 4 documents to be signed by parents once the parents completed the online form but there is no way that we can print the detail they filled in. We still need a printed out contract. The data Verification form is not the same as a contract, it gives the same details but doesn't state Application or looks similar to the blank application form. Please add a option next to the documents to print that is the Application form with the learners detail?

3. We have got the opportunity to change the contract/indemnity/consent and declaration and once it is changed that pulls through on the blank re-registration form and application form. It however keeps the same space as when it is your contract on the form so it can we change it to print all that we added?