Online Registration - Contract and Language

Online Registration - Contract and Language

We are really excited about the Online Application process - thank you for another innovative solution. We are ready to launch the links, however we have one last hurdle. Is it possible to have the contract, permission and consent sections of the application as optional (selected in the setup), as we use a different contract from the system generated one. The contract and consent as it is on the system is used for re-registration.

If it could be optional to include in the online application, then we will be able to launch and start using the system. I was worried that if I deleted the info in the current setup, it will also delete the info for the re-reg forms which will mean doing everything over again. I would also like to know whether it would be possible to select either Eng or Afr or both in the setup and not give the option to the parent applying, as we are English only . Thank you so much.

We are enthusiastically waiting to publish the link...