Re-Registration Forms

Re-Registration Forms

Good morning - would it be possible to remove the 'attach learner photo' on re-registration forms? It is not required for the process and parents will often staple them to the papers which makes scanning the documents a long process as we need to remove all the staples and photos before we can scan to our server. Parents also will often delay the return of the forms because they do not have a photo and then specially go and re-take photos which is at a cost to them.

In the official use only block on the top of the page, there are options for ID, application fee, proof of res and vaccination report - this is also not required for re-reg and parents complain when they assume that they have to re-submit all the documents. Not a biggie but it would be great not to have to deal with those complaints if possible. 

I would also like to request that at the bottom of page 1, that the option to request a transfer card include something like 'my child will be leaving in 2023' - most of our parents get confused and sign both blocks because they do not actually know what a transfer card is - which means that we have to contact them all again to find out if learners are leaving.  

Thank you so much for consideration of these requests...