Registrations / Re-registrations

Registrations / Re-registrations

Good day

I recently confirmed with the call centre that only 1 contract template can function on D6. Is there a possibility to run 2 (one for completely new enrolments to your school - this contract will ultimately contain much more information as it is a new enrolment and one for re-registering parents - which will be a much shorter contract as the information is already captured on the system and this contract functions as an AMEND AND EXTEND contract) the same way you have Registrations and Re-Registrations on your system currently. The only thing is that both options work on the same level, same contract etc., but this must be different as it's two separate aspects of the same goal.

The same will apply for the Online registrations for parents who are already on the system and those who are not. Also with the online registrations, making certain options compulsory to complete like the banking details and certain documents etc. 

Kind regards

Zahnelle van Rooyen