Report: Emergency Contact Details

Report: Emergency Contact Details

We are really needing a report that will give us the following:

In alphabetical order - not class

Name of Child
Name of Parent 1 (often parent's surname differs from child's surname)
Cell No. 
Name of Parent 2 (often parent's surname differs from child's surname)
Next of Kin Name and Cell No.

Reason:  At the moment we can only get this report in classes but this makes it difficult for us to look up as we have to go through each class to find the child - this is a problem in the case of an emergency.  It is also a problem due to the power outages and internet outages we experience in South Africa.  eg. Emma Smith gets hurt on the field - the office or aftercare get told to phone the parent urgently.  We do not know which class the child is in and the electricity is out.  Now we have 24 classes and have to look through them all to find her details.  Then it turns out that Emma's surname is actually Smit and not Smith - now we check through all the classes and can't find an Emma Smith and start again incase you missed her in the 24 classes.  Then it turns out that Emma Smit's mother's name is Tammy Peters so if you print a list of parents you will automatically check for Smit and not Peters.  
If you have a report with the childs name, Surname, Parent 1 Name & Cell, Parent 2 Name and Cell and Next of Kin Name and Cell (as Grannys etc are the one's responsible for the children being transported etc.)
If we had the requested report then I can immediately check for the child alphabetically and see that there is no Emma Smith only an Emma Smit and see here parents contact details immediately and contact them.