Variables/placeholders in messages, Import varables and contacts to send to via csv/xlsx

Variables/placeholders in messages, Import varables and contacts to send to via csv/xlsx

Would be nice to be able to use placeholders in messages such as <childfirstname> <childLastname> <parentFirstname> etc when sending messages out to a batch of members.

<childfirstname> has to attend detention on friday.

This would result in less setup time for a batch of learners needing to attend detention as we would just need to select which learners instead of typing a message manually for every single child. this also feels more personal as well as letting parents who have multiple children enrolled know which child has to sit detention

to add to this it would be nice to be able to import an excel sheet with the unique ID of the learners (ascension numbers)/parents as well as a couple of columns of placeholders/ variables we could then insert into the message. this would tie in nicely to the function of sending to the learner only or only the parents of the learner only
EG data:
Joe Soap
Friday, 20th September1
John Wick
Friday, 20th September
Bruce Lee
Monday, 23rd September

EG Message:
<value1> has to attend detention on <value3> at <value2> for <value3> hours. Please ensure your child attends.

A few things to note here. It would be ideal if these would then show up as one message in the sent history but have an option to drill down and display the exact message sent to each individual for post publishing troubleshooting (mistakes happen)
alternative would be to display each message individually  in sent messages history panel but it may clutter it up a bit.