Academic Criteria: Criteria setup

Academic Criteria: Criteria setup

My School > Achievements > Academic Criteria

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

Criteria tab:

It is critical that you follow the Order as depicted when creating a Criteria Rule to ensure that the formula calculates correctly.

Create a Criteria Rule by making use of the 4 Sections in this order:
  1. Logic Operators
  2. Functions
  3. Variables
  4. Modifiers (optional)
Note:  Grade averages for learners will be calculated excluding the marks of LSEN learners.
The grade average for LSEN learners will be calculated separately with the marks of all the LSEN learners in the grade. 

In this example, we will create a Criteria rule that will display the Top 10 Learners based on the average for Term 1, 2 and 3.

The resulting formula should look like this:
PositioninGrade(Average(Learner: Term1, Learner: Term2, Learner: Term3)) ≤ 10

Step 1:

The formula field is currently empty and only shows a red box with three dots.

Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.40.09.png

Start constructing a formula by clicking and dragging a Logic Operator from the bottom right to the formula field.
We now have a rule where one value must be smaller than or equal to another value for the rule to be valid.

Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.45.27.png

Step 2:

The "PostitioninGrade"-function will now display in the formula:

Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.49.02.png
The "Average" function will now be added to the formula, with additional value fields.

Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.53.41.png

Step 3:

Now we must assign a value to Value 1 and Value 2.
The formula will now include Terms 1 and 2.

Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.58.27.png
  • You have to add an additional Parameter for  Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.56.11.png

  • Hover your mouse above the Values, the following will appear:
Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.07.47.png

The resulting formula will look like this:

Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.13.44.png

Note: In the event that you would like to add an additional term, please repeat the previous steps.

Step 4:

Now you need to manually type in the value for Value 2 by moving the mouse above it, the following will appear:

  • Hover over the "Value  2" field and click the Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.17.05.png - button

  • Type ‘10’ and click Ok. (The value is 10 because we are trying to find the Top 10 Learners)

  • Click here for a video example

The formula will now appear as follows:

Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.21.02.png

In the event that you would like to preview the results of your formula, click on the Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.22.15.png button.

The top 10 Learners per subject, or per grade will display. (depending on your selection to consolidate subjects or not, on the Subjects tab).

The Rule is now set up to search for the Top 10 Learners based on the average of the marks for Term 1, 2 and 3.

You can, alternatively, select a predefined formula from the drop-down list right above the formula field.

Academic Criteria:  Optional Results

Optional Results-tab

To display additional information such as a percentage or position in the grade of the learner.

E.g. if you want to print certificates for the Top 10 Learners per grade where their averages and actual position in the grade will be displayed, you will need to create Optional results.

  • Click on the button

  • Enter the Result Name in the Afrikaans and English fields.
    This is used to name the Optional Result in the selected criteria. (More than one formula can be grouped under the same name.)
    E.g.  Two Top 10 Pupils-optional results were created to display the pupil average as well as the position in grade.

  • Enter Identifier Name in the Afrikaans and English fields.
    These indicate the different formulas set up for the Optional result and will be used to name the fields that are used when setting up the Achievement text.
    E.g. Pupil average and Position in grade

  • Click on the Formula tab to proceed.

  • Drag the Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.49.15.png  function  onto the red dots.

  • Drag the Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.50.21.png  function onto the value field.

  • Click here for a video example

  • The screen will appear as follows:

Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.52.18.png

  • Drag Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.55.53.png  and Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.56.02.png   onto values 1 and 2.

  • Create an additional Parameter for Term 3 by hovering your mouse over the current values.

  • Click on  the Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.09.53.png  button to create an additional field.

  • Drag Snap 2015-10-19 at 16.56.11.png  onto the red dots.

The Criteria Rule will appear as follows:

Snap 2015-10-19 at 17.59.00.png
  • Click on "precision", and type "2" to round off the average to 2 decimal points.

The final rule will appear as follows:

Snap 2015-10-19 at 18.02.49.png

Click here for a video example

To display the position in grade based on the average of terms 1, 2, and 3 set up a formula as follows:

Click here for a video example

Other Commonly used Academic Criteria

Awards on Final Marks : NB: Subjects MUST be consolidated

Above 80%
Average in Terms or

On Promotion mark

  • Average(Learner: Term 1, Learner: Term 2, Learner: Term 3) ≥ 89.5

  • Between(Learner: Promotion,90,100)

Silver, 70-80%

  • Between(Average(Learner: Term 1, Learner: Term 2, Learner: Term 3) ≥ 70),79.5)

  • Between(Learner: Promotion,70,80)

Top 10 per Grade

  • PositioninGrade(Learner: Promotion) ≤ 10

Best improvement between terms

  • PositioninGrade(Difference(Learner: Term 4, Learner: Term 1)) = 1

  • PositioninGrade(Difference(Learner: Term 4, Learner: Term 3)) = 1

  • PositioninGrade(Difference(Learner: Term 2, Learner: Term 1)) = 1

Awards per Subject : Select the required subjects.  NB: Subjects must NOT be consolidated

Subjects above 80%:

On Final term mark or
per Term or

per Average

  • Learner: Promotion ≥ 79.9

  • Learner: Term 1 ≥ 79.9

  • Average(Learner: Term 1, Learner: Term 2, Learner: Term 3) ≥ 89.5

Best improvement:
per subject

  • Between(Average(Learner: Term 1, Learner: Term 2, Learner: Term 3) ≥ 70,79.5))

  • Average(Learner: Term 1, Learner: Term 2, Learner: Term 3) ≥ 89.5

Top 10 per subject

  • PositioninGrade(Learner: Promotion) ≤ 10

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