Achievement Types

Achievement Types

My School  >  Achievements  >  Achievement Types

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

Achievement Types indicate the types of physical items presented to learners at an Awards function for the school, such as:

  • Medal
  • Trophy
  • Bursary
  • Badge
  • Certificate

A standard set of Achievement Types are listed. You can, however, create, edit and delete your own achievement types.

Add additional Achievement Types.

  • Click the "Add New"-button.
  • Enter an Achievement name in both the Afrikaans and English fields.
  • Select the status of the Achievement Type. You can select from Active, Inactive (to be re-activated later) or Deleted
  • Save

Edit existing Achievement Types

  • Double-click the Achievement type to be edited.
  • Edit as required
  • Save

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