Assets Overview

Assets Overview

My School > Assets

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article

This function enables the user to set up an asset register for the school under the following headings:
  1. Asset categories
    View or Print the list of available categories. The list can not be edited.

  2. Ground plans and locations
    Set up locations to allocate assets to. (storerooms/offices/classrooms grouped by main buildings) 

  3. Suppliers
    Add a list of supplier names that can be selected in the asset register.

  4. Import assets
    Download an Excel template to enter new assets.
    The following are compulsory fields: Description, Quantity, Location.
    Additional assets can only be added with the template. 

  5. Match imported fields
    Match any fields that were not linked automatically into 8 different categories.

  6. Manage imported assets
    View/Edit individual items or export lists to Excel.

  7. Imported assets
    Print reports grouped by different selections.

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