Billing Categories are the different types of fees that the school charges. It may for example include: School fees, After School Care, Meals, Extra classes, etc.
Note that only one school fee billing category should be created for the entire school, although different payment options can be set up for the school fee billing category, such as Gr. R or Gr. 1-7.
Before invoicing can be done in the system, the preparation for invoicing must be done first.
Adding a new billing category
- If no billing categories were set up for your school yet, no options will be available for billing categories.
- You must therefore set up the categories, by clicking on the blue Add button.
- Remember: The boxes marked with a red * are compulsory fields. If all the mandatory fields are not completed, the system will not allow you to continue.
- Enter the name of the billing category.
- Choose whether or not you want to capture opening balances for this category. This is only applicable when a school moves over to the d6 system.
- Indicate if this will be used as a billing category.
- Indicate if it can be used as a statement grouping category. If indicated as yes, this will allow you to print statements with only this category on it.

This will be the name displayed on the account statement. Example: should you enter School fees, an invoice will show “School fees charged“ on the statement. A receipt: School fees paid, and with a Correction: “School fees Correction” to make it more descriptive. It is suggested to keep it short and simple, like “School Fees”, instead of School fees for the Grade 1-7 Learners”.
Each learner must be linked to this category
- If the levy is compulsory for all learners, you would select “Yes”. Remember, there are learners who receive discount or exemption on school fees, but this is explained in a different manual. For others, like ”After School Care” or “Arts Fee”, you will select “No”, since these are optional fees and not all learners are forced to take part of the activities.
More than one of this category can be linked to a learner
- Indicate whether more than one payment option of this levy category must be linked to a learner: If it is school fees, select “No”. If it is for example “Extra Classes”, it will be “Yes”, since one learner can be charged for Mathematics Extra Classes and Science Extra Classes.
- Indicate if this is a school fee category. Note that only school fees can be indicated as a school fee category.
- Choose whether or not the banking details for this category has to have specific banking details or the general banking details. In cases of hostels and aftercare, it is possible to have other banking details reflect on the statement which is not the school's main bank account.
- Choose if this category must have it's own logo, this is when it differs to the school's logo and is usually applicable to hostels and aftercare.
- Choose the ordering in which the category should appear on the statement, should it reflect first, second, third etc.
Click on the Add button and then the category will be added.
Editing an existing billing categories
- Click on the radio button under the "selected" column.
- Click on the Edit button.
- Alternatively, click on the edit icon on your left to navigate directly to the editing page.
- You can now edit the billing category.
- When you are finished editing the information, click on the save button to save your changes.

Remember: All items linked to this category will change, also the statement of the debtor
Delete an existing billing category
- Click on the X button to delete the relevant billing category
- Alternatively, select the relevant billing category by clicking on the radio button and then on the red delete button.
- If there are active payments options linked to this Billing Category, the system will not allow you to delete it.
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