Staff absentees

Staff absentees

Reports > Staff > Absentees

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article


  • Select "Absentees for" by clicking on the "drop-down arrows". Select Staff  (Current) or Staff (Left).
  • Make your selection in the "For personnel paid by" field. You can choose between any institution, Department of Education and Governing Body.
  • d6+ system can capture staff absenteeism/leave for any date and display it per term or for the whole year.
  • When printing the absenteeism and attendances reports, it uses learners' term dates to count days.
  • You can choose more than one Category option or staff member by clicking on the required categories in the left column and move to the right column.
  • Select the dates of absentees that you want displayed on your report at "From" and "To" fields, by clicking on the down-arrows.
  • Click on preview.
  • The report will be generated as a (.pdf) document which can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader. 
  • You can now print this report.
  • Navigate your mouse cursor to the top of the screen and without clicking, stand on the down-click-arrow with the mouse cursor and a toolbar with possible actions will appear on the screen. Click on the "print" icon.
© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.
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