Calendar Events

Calendar Events

My School > Communication > Calendar Events

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

This function will allow you to manage all school Calendars.  

  • Who can manage Calendars?

    • Only users defined under My School > Communication > Manage Communication Rights as being Administrators will be able to modify, create or delete Calendars. Moderators are able to modify existing calendars an to assign authors or editors to calendars.

  • Who can manage Calendar Events?

    • Only users defined under My School > Communication > Manage Communication Rights as being Moderators or Administrators or Authors/Editors specifically assigned to a calendar will be able to modify, create or delete Calendar Events.

Import Calendar Events from Excel:

It is possible to import calendar events from Excel if the Excel table is in the prescribed format.

Note: The column headings in the Excel file to be imported, have to be in the same format as required.  The 'Required Excel Layout template' can be downloaded and used.  

  • Select the calendar that the events have to be imported into.

  • Click “Import to Excel” to select the file with calendar events to be imported.

Edit / Add calendar events directly in the system:

  • In the dropdown menu, choose the relevant Calendar whose events you need to manage.

  • The first tab 'Calendar Events' will allow you to manage the selected calendar events.

  • To add an event in the selected calendar, click on the 'Add' button.

  • Type the title of the event in the title box. (This is a compulsory field).

  • Add a description for the event. (Not compulsory).

  • Add the date and time when the event will start and when the event will end.

  • You can add the location where the event will take place.

  • Select all the calendars you want this event to be added to by selecting the calendars and then click the right arrow button to move the selected calendars to the right block.

  • (This event will be in all the calendars linked in the right block).

  • You can add an attachment for this event by clicking on the 'Add attachments' block.

  • To add an attachment click on the 'Add' button.

  • Choose to add either a file or url.

  • Adding a file:

  • Type in a title for the attachment.

  • Click on the 'Choose File' button to browse on your computer for a file to attach.

  • Adding a URL:

  • Type in a title for the attachment.

  • Add the URL link in the box provided.

  • If you are logged in as an Author, you will only be able to save a calendar event as a draft. An Editor can create and publish (or save as draft) his own calendar events. A Moderator or Administrator is able to create and publish his own calendar events but also to publish the calendar events of others.

NOTE:  You can add both URLs and files. Keep in mind that file attachments should not exceed 25 MB.
  1. You can choose to send a push notification or news item.
  • To view the Calendar click on the second tab.

  • You can navigate to different dates by clicking on the left or right blue circle buttons or on the month/week/day buttons.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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