

My School > Code of Conduct > Categories

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

Categories are used to combine the reasons for Violation or Recognitions into groups or levels.  A standard set of Categories will be supplied when you start using the System. You can, however, create/delete your own categories.  This document will give you guidelines on how to setup, edit and delete Code of Conduct categories.  Please make sure that the Disciplinary Head and Accumulated Totals have been set up by your School System Administrator before proceeding.

Create, Edit and Delete code of Conduct Categories - General Information

  • You can choose which category to display by clicking on the down arrow next to All Categories to either show All categories, only Recognitions or only Violations.
  • Please note that these are the categories under which the actual disciplinary violations or recognitions will be grouped, not the violations or recognitions themselves. You will, for example, create a category "Academic", and later create a recognition for "Good academic performance throughout the term". The number of reasons linked to a specific category is displayed on the right.

Creating a new Category

  • To edit a category, click on the radio button next to the category and click on the "edit" button or click on the "edit" button next to the Category. This button is a shortcut to Edit. You can now make changes eg. spelling mistakes.  When done, click on "save" to save your changes.

Delete a Category

  • To delete a Category, click on the radio button next to the category and then click on the Delete button.
  • If you are sure that you want to complete this action, click on the "Yes" button to proceed.  Please note: Once this Category with all its linked reasons is deleted it cannot be undone or restored.

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