Certificate Templates

Certificate Templates


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Select to view the list according to their status.  One or all of these can be displayed: Active, Inactive and/or deleted.

Certificate Templates determine the layout of different items on the certificate. Several achievements can be linked to one certificate template. Achievements are set up at My School > Achievements > Achievements

We provided you with four sample templates (displayed in blue)  in different sizes, which can be used as is or copied as new templates. These copies can be renamed and edited to suit your needs.

How to make a copy of a sample certificate

  • Select the example certificate to be copied. 
  • Click "Duplicate Template" to create a template with the word _copy added to it.

Edit a copied template


  • This tab is used to rename the template and indicate the status (active or inactive)


  • Indicate the paper size and orientation
  • Choose a certificate background that was uploaded at My School > General > Watermarks > for Certificates.
  • If you choose to print a border, indicate the border width, and space from the 4 paper sides.


This tab positions different elements on the certificate.  The following preview indicates the different items that can be printed. 

  • School name: if the School name should be printed indicate these settings:
    • Font type and size
    • Bold, italic and alignment
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the textbox that will contain the school name. The best way to position the school name in the center of the page is to make the text box as wide as the width of the page.

  • School Logo: if the School logo should be printed indicate these settings:
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the box that will contain the school logo
Some of the following items can also be set up individually in the achievement block at Mt School > Achievements > Achievements
  • Award information: Set up in each achievement block or indicate the settings here:
    • The text to be printed (e.g. "Certificate awarded to")
    • Font type and size
    • Bold, italic and alignment
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the text box that will contain the Award Title

  • Learner name: Set up in each achievement block or indicate the settings here:
    • The text to be printed (e.g. "Certificate awarded to")
    • Font type and size
    • Bold, italic and alignment
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the box that will contain the learner's name.

  • Learner Grade: Set up in each achievement block or indicate the settings here:
    • The text to be printed (e.g. "Certificate awarded to")
    • Font type and size
    • Bold, italic and alignment
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the box that will contain the learner's grade.
    • The format of the Grade text: Grade 3 or Gr 3 of only 3

  • Date: if the date when the certificate is printed should be shown, indicate the settings:
    • Font type and size
    • Bold, italic and alignment
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the box that will contain the date
    • The format of the date.

  • Achievement Block Title: Set up in each achievement block or indicate the settings here:
    • If achievements should be grouped together according to Activities, indicate the space to be added between them.
    • The text to be printed (e.g. "For")
    • Font type and size
    • Bold, italic and alignment
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the box that will contain the Title wording.

  • Achievement Block: Contains the different achievements that the learner receives.
    The format of each achievement is set up at My School > Achievements > Achievements
    Indicate the settings here
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the box that will contain the achievements.
    • Choose the requested date format if the date field was used in the Achievement setup. This will allow a date to be printed per achievement.
    • You are able to remove the formatting set up in the Achievement screen.  If it should be removed indicate the font that should be used.

  • Signatures: Indicate whether you want to print a signature line and the principal's signature on the certificate.
          Signature area 1:
    • Enter the signature description that has to be printed below the line. E.g. Principal or Mr Eckardt
    • Font type and size
    • Bold, italic and alignment
    • Position from the top and left of the page sides
    • The width and height of the box that will contain the signature name
    • If the principal's signature was imported into the system by the Support office, it is possible to print it above the line

      A second signature line can also be printed with a name underneath.  Indicate the same settings as for the first signature.
      Note: Only one of these signatures can print the imported Principal's signature. 


  • Allocate all the Achievements that should be printed with this template. 
  • Indicate the way the achievements should be grouped per certificate. All achievements on one certificate, grouped per Category or Activity or each achievement on a separate certificate.
  • Select the Activity and Category header boxes if it should be printed on the certificate.

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