Class Grouping

Class Grouping

  • This year-end function only becomes available in the fourth term. 
  • Class grouping can only be done after the re-registration - and promotion procedures are completed.
  • Only then you will be able to view the Class grouping lists where you can view the number of learners for a specific grade. You do not need to be concerned that you will make a mistake because the system warns you if some of the steps are not completed.
  • Remember to first do the Admissions before you do class grouping. 

Do Class Grouping

  • Choose the Grade for which you want to do the Class grouping for the next year by clicking on the blue eye next to the grade.
  • If one of the previous steps is not completed a message will appear at the top of the list. 
  • Re-Registered: These are the learners who were in the school and applied to be in the school in the next year and have been through the re-registration - and promotion process.
  • Not-promoted: Learners who did not promote to the next grade for some or other reason.
  • New admissions: These are the learners who were admitted through wait list admissions.

Do the following steps

  • Choose the "class grouping for tuition language", "Grouping method" and "Do grouping with?" by clicking on the drop-down arrow in each field. 
  • Answer the question on "Take ethnic group into account" and "Take gender into account" - Yes/No. When you choose that the gender is taken into account the system will work towards dividing the boys and girls evenly in each class.
  • Under "Number of English classes for year" put the number of classes you will have for this grade.  
  • Choose the display order - Alphabetically/Academic.
  • Click on the green "Continue" button at the bottom of the screen to save changes.
  • The total amount of learners which was indicated on the previous page will now be on the list for grouping. Group the learners by clicking on the white dots (circles).
  • Remember to click on the green "continue" button to save changes.
  • This temporary class grouping can be edited to make changes.
  • Note: Be careful not to change the "re-do class grouping" option to "yes".

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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