Kindly note that Class divisions can only be done after the re-registration and promotion procedures have been completed. Only then will the classroom lists be displayed where you can see the number of learners for a specific grade. However, you do not have to worry about making a mistake here as the system will warn you if certain steps that require this feature are not yet complete.
  • Remember to first do the Admissions before you do the Classroom.
  • Determine how many classes will be there per grade in the following year and also determine what possible classroom method you will use to do class grouping.


  • Click on My School > Learners > Class Grouping
  • Select the Grade for which you would like to do class grouping for the next year, by clicking on the blue "eye" icon next to the grade.
  • In case you missed one of the previous steps or did not finish it completely, a screen will come up and clearly explains that "Before you can do the class grouping you must first indicate if the following learner(s) has re-registered”
  • If there are no outstanding tasks on the re-registration or promotions steps, a screen will display the totals and info as below:
- Re-registered: These are the existing learners in the school that applied to continue in the school in the next year and were indicated with the re-registration- and promotion procedures.
- Not promoted: These are the learners that must repeat the same grade in the next year for some or other reason.
- New admissions: These are the learners who were placed and accepted on waiting lists A or B.

Do the following:

  • Select the “class grouping for tuition language” from the drop-down option.
  • Select the "grouping method” by clicking on the down-arrow next to the Method.
  • Select the method at “do grouping with?”.
  • Answer the question about "gender" – Yes/No. Should you choose to take gender into account, the system will attempt to divide the amount of boys and girls evenly into the classes.
  • Enter the "number of classes" for the next year.
  • Select the display order – Alphabetic/Academic.
  • Click on the "green continue" button at the bottom of the page, to save changes.
  • A screen with "layout of classes" will be displayed with the amount of learners that were shown on the previous page for division.
  • Group the learners into classes by clicking on the "white radio" buttons.
  • Remember to click on the green  button to save changes.

You are able to edit the class grouping again at a later stage to make adjustments. Be careful NOT TO SELECT TO ‘REDO class grouping'.
                                                                                                             © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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