

My School > Code of Conduct > Conduct

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article

This function enables you to create violations/recognitions and link it to the specific level created in the Categories section. Please make sure that the Categories section has been set up before proceeding.

Set up Conduct

  • Go to My School > Code of Conduct > Conduct.
  • This screen displays the disciplinary conduct reasons.
  • You can choose to display All categories, only Recognitions or only Violations.
  • You can also choose to select the conduct to display, All items, Academic, General or other choices.
  • There is an amount available of the summary of the times a specific conduct reason has been used.

Creating a new Conduct Reason (Item)

  • To create a new conduct reason, click on the "create an item" button.
  • Select the category by clicking on the arrow next to eg. Academic (recognition) to select from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter the Description in both Afrikaans and English. 
  • Enter the Point value. Please note that a violation will be a negative number, -5 and a recognition will be a positive number 5.
  • Click on "save" to add the conduct reason (item).

Edit a Conduct reason

  • To edit a Conduct Reason (item), click on the radio button next to the conduct reason and click on "edit".
  • Make the changes you want and click on "save" to save the changes.

Deleting a Conduct Reason

  • To delete a conduct reason, click on the radio button next to the conduct reason and click on the "Delete" button.
  • A message will display that says "Are you sure you want to delete this conduct item which was used 0 times?"
  • If you are sure that you want to complete this action, click on "Yes" to proceed. 
  • Please note: Once this Conduct Reason is deleted it can not be undone or restored. 
  • Click on the "Yes" Button to proceed.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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