Creditor Accounts

Creditor Accounts

This function allows you to create accounts for the various suppliers of the school. This will facilitate the capturing of supplier transactions including invoices, credit notes and payments on this account.  Please note that this is not the General Ledger Account, but the account for the supplier.  

Create a creditor account

  • Click on the "create a creditor" button
  • Select if the creditor account is for a New Supplier, Existing Creditor or Pre-Approved Supplier at by clicking on the drop down
  • New Supplier: This is used for capturing New suppliers on the system for the first time.
  • Existing Supplier: This is used when you would like to create a new account for an existing supplier. This function will reuse the supplier identity, contact details, contact persons and other supplier information. Only the banking details and the creditor account setup will be available to add new information. Select ‘Existing supplier’ and then select the supplier for which you would like to add a new account and complete the required fields.
  • The first section of the screen will not be editable as this information for the supplier account has already been captured and saved.
  • You can select if you would like to add banking details 
  • Complete the Creditor account details
  • Click on the" Save " button to save the suppliers details.
  • Best Practice is to check if a supplier is not already a Pre-approved supplier before creating a Supplier account as this will improve system functionality
  • All fields with a * are required fields. The system will not allow you to save the information unless all required fields have been completed
  • Complete the Supplier Identity Information at :
  • Select if the supplier is an Institution or a Person
  • If you selected Institution at the next part will be to select if the Institution Type 
  • Type in the Trading name of the Creditor
  • Type in the Registered name of the creditor
  • Type in the Registration Number
  • Select if the Institution is VAT registered if you select Yes -  an additional block will appear to type in the VAT Number
  • If you selected Person at the screen will display differently:
  • Select the Title of the Person
  • Type in the Name, Surname and ID number of the Person
  • Select if the Person is Registered for VAT, If you select Yes - an additional block will appear to type in the VAT Number:
  • Type in the Telephone/ Cellphone / Fax number of the Supplier. To Add another number, click on the ‘Add Another’ link
  • If there are multiple Telephone/Cellphone /Fax numbers, select a Preferred number by selecting the applicable  (radio) button
  • To delete a number, tick the applicable box  and click on the ‘Delete selected’ link
  • Type in the Email Address of the Supplier. To Add another Address, click on the ‘Add Another’ link
  • If there are multiple Email Addresses, select a Preferred Email Address by selecting the applicable  (radio) button
  • To delete an Email Address, tick the applicable box  and click on the ‘Delete selected’ link
  • Type in the Website Addresses of the supplier
  • The second part of the screen will display the details on the contact person
  • Capture the details of the various Contact Persons for the Supplier
  • To add another Contact person, click on the ‘Add another’ link '
  • To Delete a Contact person, tick the applicable box  and click on the ‘Delete selected’ link
  • Complete the Other Supplier Information
  • Select if the Supplier possesses a Tax Clearance Certificate. If you select Yes and additional field will appear to select the Year:
  • Select the BEE rating of the supplier by clicking on the drop-down box
  • Select the Preferred suppliers rating by clicking on the drop-down box
  • Capture the Banking Details for the supplier by selecting Yes from the drop-down box
  • Complete the Creditor Account information
  • Select the Ledger Control Account by clicking on the drop-down box.
  • Only “Accounts Payable” type of accounts will be listed here.  These can be set up under Finances | General Ledger |  Chart of Accounts
  • The system will automatically generate a Creditor Number.  This number starts with a “C” and is numerically numbered for new accounts.
  • Type in your Reference/Account number of the Supplier.
  • Please note that this is the default reference number that will be used but with each new invoice that is created, a reference number can be set again (so typically some suppliers require the use of their ‘ Invoice number’ as a reference - in that case, you can type ‘Invoice Number’ in this field to remind you that as new invoices are captured, those invoice numbers will have to be used in the reference field)
  • Select the Payment Terms for the Supplier at by clicking on the drop-down box.  This is within how many days you need to pay the account.
  • Type in the Credit Limit.  If this is unsure, just use R0.
  • Enter the Date from which the account is active
  • Click on the " Add "  button to save the suppliers details.
  • The Creditor account must be verified after creation. A task will be created for the user who has ‘Verify Creditors’ rights allocated to them.
  • To verify account details, select the account by clicking on the "radio button"  next to the selected Creditor account and click on the button.
  • The captured information will be displayed, but will not be editable.
  • Click on the" Add "  button to proceed. If any information needs to be edited, follow the editing of a creditor's account procedure.

Edit a creditor account

  • To search for a specific creditor account, start by selecting the status of creditor account from the drop-down box
  • Type in information to search for the creditor account such as the supplier name, account number or creditor number in the Search block
  • All creditor accounts that meet the search requirements will be displayed.
  • To edit a Creditor account:
  • Click on the "radio button"  next to the selected Creditor account you would like to edit
  • Then click on the  button "edit" button or alternatively
  • Click on the button to navigate directly to the Creditor Account information screen.
  • Once a creditor account has been verified only users who have been allocated rights to ‘Verify Creditors’ can edit such accounts.
  • Edit the applicable fields as required and click on the "save" button to store the changes.
  • The system will automatically navigate back to the Creditor Accounts screen.

Close a creditor account

  • To search for a specific creditor account, start by selecting the status of creditor account from the drop-down box
  • Type in information to search for the creditor account such as the supplier name, account number or creditor number in the Search block
  • All creditor accounts that meet the search requirements will be displayed.
  • To close a Creditor account:
  • Click on the "radio button"  next to the selected Creditor account you would like to close
  • Then click on the "X "  button in red next to the radio button or alternatively click on the " close" button at the bottom.
  • Only creditor accounts with a nil Rand (0.00) balance can be closed
  • Select the date on which the account should be closed. The system will default this date to the last day that a transaction was processed on this account.
  • Click on the " Yes " button to proceed.

Why am I not able to edit the creditor account?
Once a creditor account has been verified only users who have been allocated rights to ‘Verify Creditors’ can edit such accounts.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd
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