d6 Connect setup

d6 Connect setup

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Setup-tab: Set up the overall school branding for d6 Connect

  • Select the colour for your school’s title background. Click on the desired colour and adjust the colour intensity by moving the arrow up or down. 

  • Select the colour for the School Name in the same way.  

  • You can choose between black and white for the Settings picture (gear) to ensure the best contrast.

  • To insert your school logo on d6 Connect click on the "Choose file" and browse to the image saved on your computer. (A square image with a white background works best).

  • A preview will be visible at all times during your selection of the above mentioned settings.

  • Note this is just a preview, click on the "Save" button to activate d6 Connect.

  • Your school will now be available in d6 Connect as one of the communities that can be joined by ‘Invitation only’. (No invitations have been sent at this stage)

Contacts-tab: Set up contact numbers that should be available to users of d6 Connect.

  • Click +Add contact to enter the individual contact details.

  • These contacts will display on the parent’s d6 Connect when they view Contacts

Settings-tab:  Indicate the method that selected notices should be sent, and which functions should be activated.

Notifications can be switched off, sent as a newsfeed and/or a push notification.

To switch off any notifications, deselect the checkboxes.
Via news feed will indicate that a new message was delivered by showing a red dot on d6 Connect icon. The parent/user needs to open d6 Connect to view the news feeds.
Push notification will display the message as a popup message even when the user is not actively using . Select the required method for each of these notifications:

  • Update request - Notify the parent/user that the requested update of their learner's details were  completed/rejected.

  • Absenteeism - Notify registered parents that the learner is absent via d6 Connect and not per sms.

  • Discipline - Notify the parents of all the discipline entries on the learner via d6 Connect and not per sms.

General Enquiries: These messages can be viewed and replied to at My School > Communication > General Enquiries or at My Home > My Tasks.

  • Switch off the function if you do not want to allow parents to send messages to the school via d6 Connect.

  • More than one message can be answered at the same time by clicking on the tick block of the relevant messages received.

Finances: Displays the family's account statement for all its learners as well as Projects that can be paid for with the Cashless function.

  • Switch off the Finance checkbox to prevent any financial information displayed in d6 Connect. If you would like to allow parents to pay existing projects or School fees with the cashless function, this option has to be selected.


This function allows the school to invite Parents, Staff or Other contacts manually, to re-register on d6 Connect.
It is possible to edit the English and Afrikaans email and sms invitations that will be sent to selected contacts when they are invited here.
The Preferred Communication Language-setting of the Parent or Other Contact will determine which language invitation they receive.
These invitations include a link to request a token for registration.

What is the Token? 

  • A token contains the ID, mobile number and/or email address of the parent and their children in your school, to allow the parent to register and connect with his child’s profile without having to enter the details manually.

  • A token expires in 72 hours.

Takeup-tab: View user statistics and launch automatic invitations with the Roll-out launch.

  • The chart shows the number of users per category. Click on the links to see the names of the selected users.

  • The automated Roll-out launch shows below the chart. This should only be done after all the preparations have been completed.

  • Sms costs for roll-out launch will be billed at the end of the month.

Registered users-tab: Displays a list of registered users and whether they are registered as a parent or viewer.

  • Choose the type of user to display

  • Parents: The user is linked to his student and has view-and-edit access to the student information as well as the family Finance display which includes Cashless payments if it was activated by the school.

  • Viewers: The user follows the student (if the parent permitted the request) and can only view the Student information and content published on public groups. Viewers will not receive any messages sent to parents.
    Note: If a parent is linked incorrectly as a viewer, they can correct it by removing the school on the burger icon and to link once more on the “Community”-tab. 

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