d6 Connect News Item

Use this screen to filter and view feed messages previously sent with d6 Connect or to create new messages. In messages where questions were asked during the creation process, updates and answers from App users can also be viewed here.

My School > Communication > d6 Connect News Item
Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.


  1. Click on the ‘New message’ option. Choose between ‘same message for all’ or ‘by preferred language’.
  2. Choose the message format: ‘standard message’ or ‘alert message’.
  3. Choose whether a push notification should be sent to draw the recipients’ attention.
  4. Enter the subject and message body.
  5. If you would like to add a question to the message, click on the block so that a tick mark is indicated.
  6. Click on ‘Add’.
  7. Type the question in the relevant language/s.
  8. Choose what type of answer is required: Text, yes/no, single choice, multiple choice or file.
  9. In the case of Multiple Choice answers, indicate the maximum number of selections allowed.
  10. Choose whether readers are obliged to answer the question: yes/no.
  11. Click on ‘Add’.
  12. Indicate whether the questions can be answered multiple times. Examples:
    1. Covid screening answers:  A parent will have to answer the same questions daily for one or more learners. (Untick the option)
    2. SGB Voting: Parents are restricted to one vote only. (Tick the option)
  13. Indicate whether the answers should be gathered anonymously. The parent names will not be listed with the answers. If needed, mention this in the message, to inform parents that they can answer anonymously. 
  14. Choose whether you want to set a cutoff date for answers. If so, click on the block so that a tick mark is indicated. Select the relevant date from the calendar.
  15. Choose the recipients for the message: choose whether it should be a direct message or a broadcast message. 
    Please Note: A news message can not be sent to "Parent Dynamic Channels" and "Own Channels" at the same time. If recipients in both groups need to receive the message, the message must be sent separately to each of the groups.
  16. Click on ‘Save’.
  17. Click on ‘Send’.


  • All historic ‘sent’ messages will be displayed.
  • To view feedback statistics on these messages, click on the relevant message and ‘View’.
  • If you included a question in your feed item, double click on the question to view the results.
  • Export the answers to Excel to have a record of all the answers received.
  • You are also able to disable messages by clicking on the ‘Disable’ option after selecting the relevant sent message.
  • Note: You are able to send the results to Excel by clicking on the Excel button. Remember that your Superuser needs to grant you the correct user rights for exporting.
  • To search for specific historic topics in sent messages, type a keyword into the ‘search’ block.

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