Debit Order Status

Debit Order Status

Finances > Debtors > D/O Status

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article

View The Debit Order Submission Status

  • Select the month for which the debit orders were submitted at.
  • Select applicable action date or leave it on all action dates.
  • Click on the Continue button to proceed.
  • The displayed screen will have three sections to it and they are as follows:
  1. One being the Debit Order Information section whereby you will see the date for the debit orders, the action dates, how many debit orders were submitted and the lookup method.
  2. The second section gives a breakdown on the color coding that is used and indicates which debit orders were canceled, discarded, unpaid, submitted and which are still pending.
  3. The third section will indicate all the families that there were debit orders submitted for.
  • The debit order status is summarised at the bottom of the page.
  • If a debit order is not accepted or is not pending, a reason code will be displayed in the reason field.
  • You can now download this status file by clicking on the Excel button.
  • You can download this status file in a google sheets document by clicking on the Google Sheet button.
  • To send a person an sms you can click on the phone icon and complete the necessary information and send.
  • To send a person an email you can click on the email icon and complete the necessary information and send.
  • To print a statement you can click on the statement icon and print.

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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