Debtor Journals

Debtor Journals

Finances > Debtors > Journals

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Adjustments refer to journals. Click on the "do a debtors journal" button and choose the type of adjustment you would like to do. This can be done by clicking on the arrow of the drop-down box. You can choose to either do a Debtor Write-Off Journal, Debtor Journal or a Debtor Hand-Over Journal. The terminology is as follows:
  • Debtor Write Off Journal (you are writing the money off)
  • Debtor Journal (you are doing a correction for either a school debtor or an other debtor account)
  • Debtor Hand-Over Journal (Hand-over a debtors account to a collector or from a collector to another collector or from a collector back to school debtors)

Write Off Journal

  • Choose Debtor Write-Off Journal
  • Choose to do the journal either from
  1. School debtors to Ledger Account/Project - You are going to write the money off of a General Ledger Account or a project.
  2. Collector to Ledger Account/Project - Should the collector let you know that they would not be able to collect the money and the school's governing body decided to write the handed over amount off.
  3. Other debtors to Ledger Account/Project - You are going to write the money off of a General Ledger Account or a project.
  • Choose the debtor account that you want the money to be written off from
  • If you chose School Debtors To Ledger Account/Project, click on "continue" and learners linked to this family with outstanding balances will now reflect. The system will only show the balance of the learner
  • If you chose Collector To Ledger Account/Project, you need to choose the collector and then choose the learners and move them from the left to the right and click on "continue". The learners you chose will reflect together with their outstanding balances.
  • If you chose Other Debtors To Leder Account/Project, click on "continue" and the other debtors account with outstanding balances will now reflect. 
  • Type the date of the journal. This date will reflect as the transaction date on your Ledger account and on the learner's/other debtors statement
  • Select the General Ledger Account against which you want to write the money off. This will usually be your "Bad Debts" account. You may have a bad debts account for learners and a separate one for other debtors.
  • The total for the journal will be the total amount of money that you want to write off. You can also leave this block blank and just choose the months you want to write off. The system will then automatically fill the amount in for you. Also, see the two blocks in the top right-hand corner:
  1. The top block represents the Total you typed in or the total of the months you have selected
  2. The bottom block checks that the Total that you typed in in the Total column and the months you selected, balance. Should it not balance, the block will be red and you would not be able to continue. If it does balance, it will reflect green and you would be able to continue with the journal
  • The description is where you would have to select the reason as to why this journal is being processed.
  • Approved by is where you have to indicate who authorized the write-off. The choice will either be your Governing Body, the Financial Committee or the Department of Education
  • By the description block, it would be advisable to enter the details of when the original meeting took place as it's always good to be able to refer back to when the decision was made
  • Choose the months that you want to write off. The system will bring up an error message if the amount that you have ticked does not balance with the amount that you filled in the total column and you will not be able to continue. You would have to click on the "continue" button on the error message which will then bring you back to the previous screen so that you can correct the error
  • If the journal balance, click on the "continue" button
Once you have clicked on the "continue" button, the journal will automatically be posted.

Debtors Journal

  • Choose the journals from
  1. School debtors to Ledger Account/Project - Against which General Ledger Account or project will the debtor's account be journalized.
  2. Collector to Ledger Account/Project - This options will not be applicable for Debtor Journals as these journals are usually related to debtor accounts that are on the school's books
  3. Other Debtors to Ledger Account/Project - This will not be applicable for Debtor Journals as these journals are usually related to debtor accounts that are on the school's books
  • Choose the debtor account that you want to pass a journal for
  • Click on the "Continue" button
  • All the learners in this family will now appear. The system will show the balance per learner. If you chose "other debtors", the balances on the account will appear.
  • Choose the date of the journalt. This date will reflect on the General Ledger Account that is being used as well as on the debtor's / other debtors statement.
  • Choose the General Ledger Account or Project which will be debited or credited. Should you want to pass a Zero rand journal it would be advisable for you to use your "Suspense" account. Note that with a Zero rand adjustment the Ledger account will neither be debited nor credited as the amount is zero
  1. The top block represents the Total you typed in or the total of the months you have selected
  2. The bottom block checks that the Total that you typed in in the Total column and the months you selected, balance. Should it not balance, the block will be red and you would not be able to continue. If it does balance, it will reflect green and you would be able to continue with the journal
  • Statement Description gives you the opportunity to provide a reason for the journal that will also reflect on the debtor's statement. There is also a dropdown box with a pre-selection of reasons that you can use, should you want to or otherwise you can type in your own description that you can use in the future as well.
  • Add a remark in the statement block as well as the journal description block. It's always a good idea to give as much information as possible so that if you have to refer back to the journal, it's clear as to why it had to be passed. You can give a more brief reason to reflect on the statement
  • Choose the months that you want to journalize
  • The system will bring up an error message if the amount that you have ticked does not balance with the amount that you filled in the total column and you will not be able to continue. You would have to click on the "continue" button on the error message which will then bring you back to the previous screen so that you can correct the error
  • If the journal balance, click on the "continue" button

Once you have clicked on the "continue" button, the journal will automatically be posted.

Debtor Handover Journal (School Debtor To Collector)

  • Choose the Debtor Handover option
  • Choose to do the adjustment from
  1. School Debtors To Collector - You are handing over the debtor's account for the first time to a collector that has been set up already
  2. Collector To Collector - You will choose this option when you have handed an account over to a collector but have changed collectors and now need to hand it over to the new collector
  3. Collector To School Debtors - You will choose this option if a debtor has been mistakenly handed over or you want to take them back onto the school's books
  • Choose the family that you want to do the adjustment for
  • Click on the "continue" button
  • All the learners on this family will now appear. The system will show the balance per learner
  • Choose the date that you would like to do the journal on
  • Hand Over refers to which Collector you would like the account to be handed over to. All the Collectors that you have set up, will reflect here
  • Total amount hand over refers to the amount that you will be handing over. You can leave this block open and the system will then automatically fill in the amount as you choose the months that you want to journalize. Also, refer to the two big blocks in the top right-hand corner
  1. The top block represents the Total you typed in or the total of the months you have selected
  2. The bottom block checks that the Total that you typed in in the Total column and the months you selected, balance. Should it not balance, the block will be red and you would not be able to continue. If it does balance, it will reflect green and you would be able to continue with the journal
  • Add a remark in the description block. It's always a good idea to give as much information as possible so that if you have to refer back to the journal, it's clear as to why it had to be passed
  • Choose the months that you want to journalize
  • The system will bring up an error message if the amount that you have ticked does not balance with the amount that you filled in the total column and you will not be able to continue. You would have to click on the "continue" button on the error message which will then bring you back to the previous screen so that you can correct the error
  • If the journal balance, click on the "continue" button

Once you have clicked on the "continue" button, the journal will automatically be posted.
There is currently no option to hand over other debtors to collectors.

Debtor Handover Journal (Collector To Collector)

  • Choose the Debtor Handover option
  • Choose to do the journal from "Collector To Collector" - You will choose this option when you have handed an account over to a collector but have changed collectors and now need to hand it over to the new collector
  • The "from collector" is where you will choose the collector where the debtor's account is currently handed over to
  • All the families that were handed over to this collector will reflect on the left-hand side so you can just select the specific family from the left-hand side and transfer them to the right-hand side
  • Click on the "continue" button
  • All the learners in this family will now appear. The system will show the balance per learner
  • Choose the date that you would like to do the journal on
  • Hand Over refers to which Collector you would like the account to be handed over to. All the Collectors that you have set up, will reflect here.
  • Total amount hand over refers to the amount that you will be handing over. You can leave this block open and the system will then automatically fill in the amount as you choose the months that you want to journalize. Also, refer to the two big blocks in the top right-hand corner
  1. The top block represents the Total you typed in or the total of the months you have selected
  2. The bottom block checks that the Total that you typed in in the Total column and the months you selected, balance. Should it not balance, the block will be red and you would not be able to continue. If it does balance, it will reflect green and you would be able to continue with the journal
  • Add a remark in the description block. It's always a good idea to give as much information as possible so that if you have to refer back to the journal, it's clear as to why it had to be passed
  • Choose the months that you want to journalize
  • The system will bring up an error message if the amount that you have ticked does not balance with the amount that you filled in the total column and you will not be able to continue. You would have to click on the "continue" button on the error message which will then bring you back to the previous screen so that you can correct the error
  • If the journal balance, click on the "continue" button

Once you have clicked on the "continue" button, the journal will automatically be posted.

Debtor Handover Journal (Collector To School Debtors)

  • Choose the Debtor Handover option
  • Choose to do the adjustment from "Collector To School Debtors" - You will choose this option if you have mistakenly handed the debtor over or if you want to take them back onto the school's books
  • The "from collector" is where you will choose the collector where the debtor's account is currently handed over to
  • All the families that were handed over to this collector will reflect on the left-hand side so you can just select the specific family from the left-hand side and transfer them to the right-hand side
  • Click on the "continue" button
  • All the learners on this family will now appear. The system will show the balance per learner
  • Choose the date that you would like to do the journal on
  • Hand Over will now reflect as "school debtors"
  • Total amount hand over refers to the amount that you will be handing over. You can leave this block open and the system will then automatically fill in the amount as you choose the months that you want to journalize. Also, refer to the two big blocks in the top right-hand corner
  • The top block represents the Total you typed in or the total of the months you have selected
  • The bottom block checks that the Total that you typed in in the Total column and the months you selected, balance. Should it not balance, the block will be red and you would not be able to continue. If it does balance, it will reflect green and you would be able to continue with the journal
  • Add a remark in the description block. It's always a good idea to give as much information as possible so that if you have to refer back to the journal, it's clear as to why it had to be passed
  • Choose the months that you want to journalize
  • The system will bring up an error message if the amount that you have ticked does not balance with the amount that you filled in the total column and you will not be able to continue. You would have to click on the "continue" button on the error message which will then bring you back to the previous screen so that you can correct the error
  • If the journal balance, click on the "continue" button
Once you have clicked on the "continue" button, the journal will automatically be posted.

 Allocate A Credit Between Family

Should there be a need to move funds within a family, a Zero rand jouenal can be done. A zero rand adjustment gives you the opportunity to move credits
within the same family, between learners, payment options or dates.

  • Choose the date of the journal
  • When doing a Zero rand adjustment, always choose your "suspense" account by the "do ledger" option
  • Always choose credited (debit debitor) by "account is" when processing a zero rand adjustment
  • In the total column, the amount will always be zero as we are neither increasing or decreasing the account but simply just moving money that is already on the account
  • Choose re-allocation as the reason for the adjustment
  • You can type your own description and or reason in under the description option
  • You will see a list of all the fees, projects and dates on this page and it's within this page that you would then be able to adjustments from.
  • Each learner within the family will be listed
  • The learner's name will appear on top of each section with a list of the fees etc that he/she has been linked to. The dates of the fees etc can be viewed for both previous as well as coming months
  • To see the dates for the coming months, click on the "more detail" option
  • To show lesser months, click on the "fewer detail" option
  • If you would want to re-allocate say for instance school fees from one learner to another, click on the learner that you want to re-allocate from as well as the month and enter the amount you want to re-allocate
  • Go to the learner where you want to re-allocate too and choose the relevant month and type in the relevant amount. Note that this too will be for school fees as the money that we have chosen from the first learner was also school fees
  • Once allocated, the bottom block of the two top right-hand sided blocks should be Zero and green
  • If there aren't any other re-allocations that need to be done, you can click on the "continue" button

Once you have clicked on the "continue" button, the journal will automatically be posted.
© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd
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