Decision Guidelines

Decision Guidelines

My School > Curriculum > Decision Guidelines

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article.

This function is used to select the method of calculation to calculate the promotion decisions per grade. This calculation calculates the results for Terms, Promotion marks, and Year marks. The decision guidelines can be set up to promote learners manually or calculate according to a calculation method. Currently, the system only accommodates the calculation method as set out in the ‘National Policy Pertaining to the Programme and Promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement’ for Grades R - 12 (2012  DOE-NPPPPR). The endorsement calculation for the FET Phase (Grade 10-12) is also set up with this function.

  • Select the relevant Year. 
  • Select the relevant Grade.
  • The terms and models, Promotion decision and Endorsement decision guidelines will be displayed.
Please note that currently, you can only select to use the decision guideline as set out in the ‘National Policy Pertaining to the Programme and Promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement’ for Grades R - 12 (2012  DOE-NPPPPR)
  • Double click on the row that you would like to make changes to - the drop-down arrows will appear for you to make a selection for the ‘Promotion decision guideline’ and the ‘Endorsement decision Guideline’ (Only applicable for Grades 10 - 12):
  • Select between the ‘2012 DOE NPPPPR guideline’ or ‘No calculation’:
The ‘No Calculation’ option is only available to select if the 2012 DOE NPPPPR guidelines have NOT been used to calculate decisions for a specific grade. If you choose to select the ‘No calculation’ option, the school can only continue with the manual promotion method under My School > Learners > Promotions.
  • Only Grades that are linked to a ‘2012 DOE NPPPPR guideline’, will be available to view under My School > Curriculum > Final decisions.
  • Only grades for which the ‘No calculation’ option was selected will be available to manually promote under My School > Learner’s > Promotions.
If the (2012  DOE-NPPPPR) option is selected for a specific term / Mark type the method cannot be changed back to the ‘No Calculation’ option for that specific term /  Mark type. This means that the formula will be used for that specific term /  Mark type. The method can only be changed for the following term or year IF no method (‘No Calculation’) was selected for that term/year.

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