

My School > Learners > Discipline

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This document will explain how you will allocate violations / recognitions for a specific learner, register class or subject group. This function allows staff, who has the relevant system module rights, to allocate violations / recognitions on the system. The Code of Conduct Superuser has permission to set up the Code of Conduct Module and make any adjustments as needed. Please make sure that all the steps to set up the discipline module has been done before you start capturing violations / recognitions.

1. Existing Entries :  View discipline entries per term
2. Capture Violations or Recognition s per learner
3. Edit the message template before sending notifications to parents

1. Existing discipline entries

The first screen displays all the current discipline entries.
Note: The system displays by default the first 25 results on this page, should you need to navigate to more classes, you have to navigate to the next page either by using the Page option of next etc. 
You can also select the option to view more entries per page. This can be done by selecting the appropriate value (10, 25, 50, 100 or 500) at “Results per page" located just above where the details are shown. 
The discipline entries displayed on the page can be exported to Excel if the user has Excel export-user rights.
Use the following selections to view specific entries.
  1. Grade: All grades or choose a specific grade
  2. Status: All learners/Current or left learners
  3. Discipline period: 
    1. Year: Select a year or choose All years as an option
    2. Term: Select the term of that year to display
    3. Month: Select the month of the year
    4. Date: Select a specific day
    5. Own dates: From/To date pickers, allows dates to span different years

2. Capturing Discipline Violations / Recognitions

  • Click on the large red plus button ("Load Discipline") at the top of the page.
  • Select different learner discipline groups by clicking on the Group by field drop-down menu.
  • Select the relevant registered class by clicking on the radio button, and then click on the blue select button or click on the blue arrow button next to the relevant register class. This is a shortcut button to select the relevant registered class.
  • Make your selection by clicking on the down arrows in every field.
Show all learners?: 
  • If you choose “Yes”, to show all learners, the next screen will display all the learners in this specific register class in alphabetical order. 
  • If you choose “No”, you can select one specific learner at a time.

Show reasons?: 

  • You can choose to either view “Recognitions” only, “Violations” only or “All Reasons”. If you choose for example “Recognitions”, the next screen will only display recognition and you will not be able to select any violations for a learner.

For a specific reason?:

  • If you choose one of the reasons from this drop-down menu, ALL the learners in the selected register class will display the specific reason you choose.  If you choose “No specific Reason”, you can select different reasons in the next screen.
  • Click "Continue" to continue. 

If your selection for “Show all Learners?” is “No”:  

  • Make your selection by clicking on the down arrows in every field.
  • Remark: You can type in a remark if you want to elaborate on the reason that you selected. This is not a compulsory field but recommended, in order to display more information if the matter needs further attention.
  • SMS Parents: You can send an SMS to the parent/s through the system, by clicking in the tick box under "SMS Parents" option. This option also indicates to you the sms status according to different colors. Remember that a user with correct user rights will see a task under My Home, where the sms should be released.
  • If you want to select more learners of the same class on the same day, click on "Add line" button.
  • If you made an incorrect entry, you can delete it by clicking in the tick box next to the learner and then clicking on the "Delete lines"  button.
  • Click on "Continue" to proceed and save the data.

If your selection for “Show all Learners?” is “Yes”.

  • Make your selection by clicking on the down arrows in every field.
  • Reason: Select a reason from the drop-down menu.
  • Remark: You can type in a remark if you want to elaborate on the reason that you selected. This is not a compulsory field but recommended, in order to display more information if the matter needs further attention.
  • SMS Parents: You can send an sms to the parent/s through the system, by clicking in the tick box under "SMS Parents" option.
  • This option also indicates to you the sms status according to different colors. Remember that a user with correct user rights will see a task under My Home, where the sms should be released.
  • To delete learners that do not have any violation/recognition entries, click in the tick box next to the learner and then clicking on the "Delete lines" button.
  • Click on "Continue" to proceed and save the data.

Editing Discipline violations/Recognitions for a Specific Learner in a Specific Registered Class  

  • You can edit violations/recognitions that were entered wrongly against a learner. 
  • Firstly, print the discipline report for this specific learner as you need the date of the violation/recognition as well as the Staff Member that reported the violation/recognition. 
  • Select the relevant register class by clicking on the radio button, and then click on the blue select button or click on the arrow button next to the relevant register class. This is a shortcut button to select the relevant register class.
  • Make your selection by clicking on the down arrows in every field.
  • Refer to the Discipline Report for the learner violation/recognition date and educator.
  • Educator: Select the name of the staff member that reported the violation or recognition.
  • Show all learners?  Select “No”.  You want to choose a learner and not show all learners.
  • Show reasons? Select “All Reasons”. For a specific reason? Select “No specific Reason”.
  • Click on "Continue" to proceed.
  • Choose your learner by clicking in the drop-down next to "Select a learner".
  • Edit your selection by clicking on the down arrows in every field.
  • When you choose the learner the SMS Parent 1 and SMS Parent 2 will automatically update according to the settings on the parent's profile. 
  • If both parents are marked to receive sms on the profile, both the parents will receive the discipline sms.
  • You can untick the boxes if you do not want them to receive the sms.
  • Click on "Continue" to proceed and save the data.

Deleting Discipline Violations/recognitions for a Specific Learner in a Specific Learner Register Class

  • Follow the steps as described above to edit a violation/recognition.
  • Delete the learner violations/recognitions by clicking in the tick box next to the learner and then clicking on the "Delete lines" button.
  • Click on "Continue" to proceed and save the data.

3. Sending SMS/ d6 Connect message for Discipline

  1. Go to My Home - My Tasks - Code of Conduct Tasks
  2. If a task indicates that conduct messages are waiting to be sent, click on the  " Click here" - link to view the list
  3. Select the preferred delivery method above to send only SMS messages or free messages to registered d6 Connect users as well.
  4. It is possible to change the message text that will be sent to the parent.  

  5. To edit the message template, select one of the messages in the list and click the "Edit message template" button
    1. The sections on the left will change the messages for  Violations or negative points messages
    2. The sections on the right will change the messages for Regocnitions of positive points messages
    3. If needed, change the Subject text of the message that will be sent in Afr and/or English
    4. Change the message text by typing new text and making use of the field buttons on the right of the screen (scroll to the right if it is not showing) to enter field names that will be replaced by the value indicated. 
    5. The Discipline/Recognition Note-field will display the teacher remark in the message
    6. Once you have made the change click on "Preview" at the bottom of the page to view the message that will be sent.
    7. Once satisfied, select Save.

  6. Select the messages that should be sent > Continue
Be aware of the number of characters in the message as SMS messages will be charged per part. Up to 160 characters are seen as one part.  Longer learner names or teacher remarks may increase the message to 2, 3 or 4 parts. 

© Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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