The discipline letters screen is used to managed all your school's discipline letter batches and you will be able to Preview, Edit or delete letters or batches that were actioned by mistake and redo your Action Processing and Action Control again.

The Discipline Letters are created as soon as the Action Processing is done and the Action Control will influences the status (Attended or Not Attended):
  1. This screen will show you the letter that was actioned
  2. You will be able to see the staff member, class and dates when the Batch, Letter, Action were done
  3. You will also see the times (Action from time and Action to time)
  4. The status of letter or Batch can also be viewed here as well as the number of learners in a batch
  5. Clicking the headings will change the ordering, so if you want to sort by the Action you can click the heading until you get the sorting desired. 
  6. When selecting a batch you can preview to see all the letters that was sent to parents and print or download and save as PDF
  7. Double clicking  a batch allows one to preview letters per learner, change the status of their letter or remove them from batch
  8. Deleted batches can be recovered
  9. After removing a batch/letter you will then be able to go back to Action Processing and redo the letters again.

NOTE: Unfortunately you can not edit the batch dates, letter date and action dates. You will need to reprocess these letters by reverting to the previous step

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