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My School > Learners > Learners Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article. The Learners function is central to the collection of the school's administrative data. In this section, all demographics, contact information and account information ...
Reports > Learners > Sport Teams Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article The Sports Teams report can be generated per Athletic Team, per Gender/Age or for a Quick Summary. Generate a House sport report Select the year for which the report ...
This report can be generated to display a Learners at Risk Report or to export the report to an Excel Spreadsheet. Use this report for reporting to the DOE. GENERATE A LEARNERS AT RISK REPORT Select the curriculum. Select the year. Select the detail, ...
Learners Per Billing Item
GENERATE A LEARNERS PER BILLING ITEM REPORT Choose the relevant billing items for which you would like to preview a report and click on the >> arrow to move the selected items to the right. Click on "Preview" to generate the report. The report will ...
Groups Report
This function enables you to print reports of members of channels created under My School > Communication > Communication channels. Move the channels you want to generate reports for over to the right-hand side and click on "Preview". © Copyright d6 ...