Enter marks per Learner

Enter marks per Learner

My School > Learners > Marks > Marks per Learner

Type <Ctrl> <F> to search for words in the article

Note: Schools that should submit data to the Department of Education by means of SA-SAMS export, should enter marks on at least orange level (Task level). Promotion formulas should be created on a Task level as per DOE requirements.


This functions allows the user to enter marks per learner. This is ideal for learners who start at the school mid year, for which previous schooling marks need to be captured for reporting purposes. Once  you have registered a new learner, you can allocate subjects to the learner (Step 1 & 2) and enter existing marks per subject (step 3).


Click on   My School > Learners > Marks > Marks Per Learner

The screen has 3 tabs - which represents the steps to be followed, namely:
Step 1 - Choose Subjects
Step 2 - Manage Subjects
Step 3 - Enter Marks


  • Select the Year.
  • Type in the relevant Learner Search information (for example first name, surname, family code, nickname or admission number) directly into the search block. The system will automatically filter out all information matching your search criteria. You must enter a minimum of 3 characters, as you type the system will start filtering according to the information you type in.
  • Select the relevant Term or ‘All Terms’ using the drop down box:
  • Select the relevant Subject(s) then click on the "right arrow" to the right  to link the option to the learner. If you linked the incorrect option, you can select the option again from the right hand side box and using the "Left arrow" to the left  you can un-link it from the learner.
  • Click on the "Submit" button to link the subjects to the learner
  • A message will appear in the bottom, right-hand corner of your screen telling you how many subjects were added or removed.


  • Select the Year.
  • Type in the relevant Learner Search information (for example first name, surname, family code, nickname or admission number) directly into the search block. The system will automatically filter out all information matching your search criteria. You must enter a minimum of 3 characters, as you type the system will start filtering according to the information you type in.
  • Select the relevant Term using the drop down box.
  • Double click on the relevant Subject.
  • Using the drop down box, select a subject group to link the learner to.
  • Click on the "Save" button to store your changes.
  • A message will appear telling you that the learner's subject was saved successfully.
  • Follow this process for all of the learner’s subjects


  • Click on My School > Learners > Marks > Marks Per Learner
  • Select the Year.
  • Type in the relevant Learner Search information (for example first name, surname, family code, nickname or admission number) directly into the search block. The system will automatically filter out all information matching your search criteria. You must enter a minimum of 3 characters, as you type the system will start filtering according to the information you type in.
  • Select the relevant Term or ‘All Terms’ using the drop down box.
  • Select the relevant Subject.

PLEASE NOTE: You will only be able to select a Subject for a specific term. If you selected to view "All Terms", then the system will only display a summary of "All Subjects"

For   existing learners who already have marks captured  - The Learners Subject Marks are summarised per term:

  • To view the various marks per term (For existing Learners who already have marks captured); that contributed to the final subject mark, select a term.
  • Select the Subject for which you would like to view captured marks.
  • Captured marks will be displayed as per your learning program setup.
  • You will notice that marks can only be entered/adjusted for certain mark types (SBA, PAT, Exam, ANA), in this case it is only for Exam marks due to the fact that Exam type was the only mark type set up in the Term 4 learning program.
  • To add marks, click on the "Plus" button - Please note that this function is only available for the level on which marks have been captured.
    • If your school enters marks on Subject level - you will only be able to add marks on subject level
    • If your school enters marks on Component/Task level - you will only be able to add marks on Component/Task level
    • If your school enters marks on Assessment level - you will only be able to add marks on Assessment level
  • A new ‘Mark’ field has been added - Marks can now be entered for the available mark type(s) by entering the raw ‘Mark’ and the mark ‘Out of’ into the applicable cells.  The system will calculate the % and the Level for the specific mark automatically and also adjust the relevant marks (eg Learning Outcome and Subject marks).
  • Click on the "save changes" button to store the marks.

The new mark that has been created and for which marks have been captured will also be available under   My School > Learners > Marks:
  • Only the mark that was captured for the specific learner will be displayed, however this mark can be used for all learners linked to the subject.
  • To enter marks for a New learner - First select the Term.
  • Select the Subject for which you would like to view captured marks.
  • You will notice that marks can only be entered for certain mark types (SBA, PAT, Exam, ANA), in this example it is only for SBA, PAT (Practical) and Exam marks due to the fact that these were the mark types set up in the Term 1 learning program.
  • To add marks, click on the "Plus" button

At this point you will be able to choose on which level you would like to enter the Learner’s marks. It is important to take the following points into consideration when selecting a level:

  • Formulas - that are setup to use certain Tasks.
  • The level that you currently use to enter marks
    • If your school enters marks on Subject level - you should add marks on subject level
    • If your school enters marks on Component/Task level - you should add marks on Component/Task level
    • If your school enters marks on Assessment level - you should add marks on Assessment level

Entering Marks o n  Assessment Level:
-This is the  GREEN  Level
A new ‘Mark’ field has been added - Marks can now be entered for the available mark type(s) by entering the raw ‘Mark’ and the mark ‘Out of’ into the applicable cells. The system will calculate the % and the Level for the specific mark automatically and also adjust the relevant marks (eg. Learning Outcome and Subject marks).

Entering Marks on Subject Level:
-This is the   RED   Level

Entering Marks on Component/Task Level:
-This is the   ORANGE   Level
  • Click on the "Save changes" button to store the marks.
  • Continue this process for all relevant marks and terms.

                                                                                                  © Copyright d6 group (Pty) Ltd.

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